16.5 Settlement

This topic describes the systematic instructions to settle/close the loan.

  1. On Home screen, click Oracle Banking Liquidity Management System. Under Oracle Banking Liquidity Management System, click Intercompany Loan.
  2. Under Intercompany Loan, click Settlement.
    The Settlement screen displays.
  3. Specify the field on Settlement screen.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 16-9 Settlement – Field Description

    Field Field Description
    Group Customer ID Click Search to view and select the group customer ID.

    This selection ensures that

    • All the transactions are related to this group customer ID only.
    • Further selection of customer IDs are from the children of this group customer.
    Customer ID 1 Click Search to view and select the customer ID1 wherever this customer is involved.
    Customer ID 2 Click Search to view and select the customer ID2 where only these two customers are involved.
    Disbursement From Date Select the disbursement from date.

    By selecting these dates, the search is restricted for the transaction between these two dates. One can choose any one of these dates as well.

    Disbursement To Date Select the disbursement to date.
    Loan Amount Specify the exact loan amount, if known.
    Loan Amount From Specify the exact loan amount from, if known.

    If the user is not aware about the exact amount but the range, this selection will help.

    Loan Amount To Specify the exact loan amount to, if known.
    Loan Currency Select the loan currency.
    ICL Ref No. Specify the ICL reference number to list the transactions related to only that specific ICL reference number.
    Settlement Date Select the settlement date.
  4. Click Fetch to fetch the Loan details.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 16-10 Loan Details – Field Description

    Field Field Description
    Loan Ref No Displays the loan reference number.
    ICL Ref No Displays the ICL ref number.
    Loan Date Displays the loan date.
    From Account Displays the from account.
    To Account Displays the to account.
    Loan Amount Displays the loan amount.
    Loan Currency Displays the loan currency.
    Loan O/S Displays the loan o/s.
    Maturity Date Displays the maturity date.
    Action Displays the actions to view transaction details.
  5. Click more to view the loan settlement details.
    The Loan Settlement screen displays. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 16-11 Loan Settlement – Field Description

    Field Description
    Loan Date Displays the date on which the loan is booked.
    Maturity Date Displays the maturity date of a loan, if it is fixed tenure loan. Else, this field will be blank.
    Settlement Report Displays whether the settlement report is to be generated.
    Disbursement Debit Account Displays the lenders account.
    Disbursement Debit Amount Displays the amount that is debited from the lenders account.
    Disbursement Debit Currency Displays the currency of the lenders account.
    Disbursement Credit Account Displays the borrowers account.
    Disbursement Credit Amount Displays the amount that is credited in borrowers account. This amount could be different that the “Disbursement Debit Amount” if the currencies are different.
    Disbursement Credit Currency Displays the currency of the borrowers account.

    The Initiate Settlement initiates the repayment process. After successful settlement transaction, the loan is marked as Settled.