Structure Details

This topic describes the systematic instructions to update the structure details for creating a new structure.

  1. Click Next in the Simulation Details screen to update the Structure Details.
    The Structure Details screen displays.
  2. Specify the fields on Structure Details screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 11-4 Structure Details – Field Description

    Field Description
    Customer ID Displays the Customer ID for the exisitng customer Prospect.
    Customer Name Displays the customer names based on the Customer ID selected.
    Structure ID Displays the unique structure ID.
    Structure Description Specify the description for the structure.
    Structure Type Select the type of structure from the drop-down list.
    The available options are:
    • Sweep
    • Pool
    • Hybrid
    Interest Method Select the interest method for the structure from the drop-down list.
    The available options are:
    • Interest
    • Advantage
    • Ratio


    For Sweep and Hybrid Structures, Interest Methodis defaulted to Interest.
    Balance Type Select the balance type for the structure from the drop-down list.
    The available options are:
    • Book Date
    • Value Date
    FX Rate Pickup Select the FX rate pickup for the structure from the drop-down list.
    The available options are:
    • Online: The system needs to integrate with an external system to fetch the rates in an online mode.
    • Offline: This option is selected by default wherein the rate available in the system is used for cross currency calculations.
    Effective Date Select the date from when the structure becomes effective.


    This date cannot be less than the system date but can be a future date.
    End Date Select the date till when the structure is effective.


    This date should always be greater than the effective date.
    Instruction ID Click Search icon to view and select the instruction ID from the list. The list displays all the instruction types maintained in the system.
    If the Instruction ID is applied at the structure level, then all the pairs of the structure is processed with the same Instruction ID.


    This field is active only if the Structure Type is selected as Sweep.
    Default Frequency Click Search icon to view and select the default frequency to be executed from the list. The list displays all the frequencies maintained in the system.

    The frequency defined at the structure level is applied to all the account pairs in the structure, but the user can override and define a specific frequency for a specific pair of account. This changed preference overrides the global preference.


    This field is active only if the Structure Type is selected as Sweep and Hybrid.
    Reverse Frequency Click Search icon to view and select the reverse frequency to be executed from the list. The list displays all the frequencies maintained in the system.
    The frequency defined at the structure level gets defaulted to all the account pairs in the structure, but the user can override and define a specific frequency for a specific pair of account. This changed preference overrides the global preference.


    This field is active only if the Structure Type is selected as Sweep.
    Reallocation Method Select the reallocation method from the drop-down list.

    This option refers to the method in which the interest is shared with the participating account entities.

    The available options are:
    • Absolute Pro-Data Distribution - Absolute balances of all accounts are considered and the interest would be shared proportionally to all accounts.
    • Central Distribution - The interest arrived is credited to one central account, which can be any one of the participating accounts or a separate account.
    • Fair Share Distribution - If the interest is positive, it is distributed among the positive contributors in the ratio of their contribution. If the interest is negative, it is distributed among the negative contributors in the ratio of their contribution.
    • Even Direct Distribution - The interest reward is evenly spread across all accounts with positive balances.
    • Even Distribution - The interest is evenly distributed among the participating accounts.
    • No Reallocation - No interest is paid back to the child accounts.
    • Percentage Based Distribution - The pre-defined percentage of the interest is distributed among the participating accounts.


      This option is applicable only at the pair level.
    • Reverse Fair Share Distribution - If the interest is positive, it is distributed among the negative contributors in the ratio of their contribution. If the interest is negative, it is distributed among the positive contributors in the ratio of their contribution.


    This field is active only if the Structure Type is selected as Pool.
    Central Account Number Click Search icon to view and select the central account number to be applied from the list. The list displays all the accounts maintained in the system.


    This field is active only if the Reallocation Method is selected as Central Distribution.
    Central Account Branch Displays the central account branch based on the Central Account Number selected.
    Central Account Currency Displays the central account currency based on the Central Account Number selected.
    Sweep on Currency Holidays Select the toggle to allow sweep on currency holidays.
    Currency Holiday Rate Select the rate pick up for the sweeps on currency holidays from the drop-down list.
    The available option is:
    • Last Sweep Rate for the Pair
    • Past 5 day Average Rate


    This field is enabled only if the Sweep on Currency Holidays toggle is selected.
    Rate Type Click Search to view and select the Rate Type from the list. The list displays all the Rate Type maintained in the system.
    Holiday Treatment Select the type of holiday treatment from the drop-down list.
    The available option are:
    • Next Working Date - Perform the action on the next working day.
    • Previous Working Date - Perform the action on the previous working day.
    • Holiday – Do not perform the sweep and mark it as holiday.
    Maximum Backward Days Specify the maximum number of days the system can go back to execute the structure when the execution day falls on a holiday.


    This field is enabled only if the Holiday Treatment is selected as Previous Working Date.
    Backward Treatment Select the backward treatment to be applied from the drop-down list.
    The available options are:
    • Move Forward - The action is performed on the next working day.
    • Holiday - Do not perform the sweep.


    This field is enabled only if the Holiday Treatment is selected as Previous Working Date.

    When the Maximum Backward Days set is also falling on a holiday, then the system determines the day on which the action is executed based on the Backward Treatment

    Status Displays the current status of the structure and is populated by the system.
    The available options are:
    • Active: The structure is complete and is in Active status.
    • Incomplete: The structure is still being created.
    • Expired: The structure is expired.
    • In-Active: The structure is not active and is in operational at a future date.
    Cross Post Sweep Balance This field gets automatically selected on save if the underlying structure is created with accounts which are in different currencies.
    Cross Currency This field gets automatically selected on save if the underlying structure is created with accounts which are in different currencies.
    Cross Border This field gets automatically selected on save if the underlying structure is created with accounts which are from two or more different countries.
    Multi Bank Cash Concentration This field gets automatically selected on save if the underlying structure created has external bank accounts.
    Version Number Displays the version number of the structure.
  3. Click Next to save and navigate to the next screen (Link Account).
  4. Click Save and Close. to save and close the details.
  5. Click Cancel to discard the changes and close the window.