Structure Priority

This topic describes the instruction to update the structure priority for the account number/name created.

When the same account participates in multiple structures, the structure priority is needed to determine the order of structure execution.

The system detects the accounts participating in multiple structures and lists them along with the details of the structure in which they are participating. System will consider all structures available for this customer as well as its parent and child customers. The system will automatically assign a structure priority n+1 ("n" being the highest structure priority already assigned). User is allowed to modify the priority of the current structure as well as other structures to suit the business needs.

  1. Click Next in the Link Account screen to update the structure priority for the accounts participating in multiple structures.
    The Structure Priority screen displays.
  2. On Structure Prioritytable, specify the new structure priority for the each structure ID.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 6-15 Structure Priority - Field Description

    Field Description
    Account Number/Account Name Displays the account number/account name for the structure creation.
    Structure ID Displays the Structure ID associated with the account.
    Structure Description Displays the description for the structure.
    Structure Type Displays the type of the structure.
    Structure Status Displays the status of the structure.
    CIF ID/CIF Name Displays the CIF ID/CIF name associated with the structure ID.
    Existing Structure Priority Displays the existing priority number of the structure.
    New Structure Priority Specify the new priority number for the structure.

    During sweep processing, the structure with the high priority gets executed first, followed by the next priority structure.

    If the user provides the same priority in different structures, the system will throw a warning message to change the same.

    Figure 6-18 Warning message - Structure Priority

  3. Click Previous to navigate to the previous screen (Link Account).
  4. Click Next to save and navigate to the next screen (Structure Summary).
  5. Click Save and Close. to save and close the details.
  6. Click Cancel to discard the updated details and close the Structure screen. In such case, the structure will not get saved.