1.2.1 Functional Features

This topic provides the information about the various functional features added in this release.

Structure UX Revamp

  • Liquidity Management Account Structure screens have been revamped for better user experience and performance.
  • The node design and colours in the account structure have been updated for better user experience.
  • The pagination node in the account structure has been introduced to handle the large number of accounts at same level.
  • Account pair level instructions can now be captured as a continued step in the account hierarchy building itself rather than a separate edit activity earlier.
  • Structure Maintenance with Old UI is also available for account structure creation.

Simulation UX Revamp

  • Liquidity Management Simulation Structure screens have been revamped for better user experience and performance.
  • The node design and colours in the simulation structure have been updated for better user experience.
  • The pagination node in the simulation structure has been introduced to handle the large number of accounts at same level.
  • Account pair level instructions can now be captured as a continued step in the account hierarchy building itself rather than a separate edit activity earlier.
  • Simulation with Old UI is also available for simulation structure creation.