For Individual Customer Type

The topic describes the process to capture or edit customer information of Individual type of customer.

To capture applicant details:
  1. In the Current Application Entry stage, update the customer details in the Applicant data segment based on the respective customer type.

    The Applicant - Individual screen displays.

    Figure 2-2 Applicant - Individual

  2. Specify the relevant details in data fields. The fields which are marked with asterisk are mandatory. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table below:
    For more information on the fields, refer to the field description table below:

    Table 2-1 Customer Information - Individual – Field Description

    Field Description
    Customer Type Displays the customer type based on the product selected.
    Number of Applicants Displays the number of applicants added for the account. It gets auto calculated based on the number of applicants that are added by Add applicant.
    Applicant Name <role> Displays the name of the applicant. The applicant role is displayed adjacent to this field.
    Date of Birth Displays the date of birth of the applicant.
    E-mail Displays the e-mail ID of the applicant.
    Mobile Number Displays the mobile number of the applicant.

    Click Edit to modify the existing customer details and address details.

    Click Save to save the modified details and click Cancel to cancel the modifications.

    Add Customer Click Add Customer to add another customer other than primary applicant.
    Existing Customer Select to indicate if customer is existing customer.

    Displays the applicant role.

    The first customer which is added while initiating an application is considered as primary applicant.

    By default the Primary Applicant option appears in this field.

    This field is enabled if you add customer other than the primary customer.

    The options that are selected in the Allowed Applicants Roles field of the Business Product Preferences data segment in the Business Product screen appear for selection.

    The avaliable options are:

    • Joint Applicant
    • Guarantor
    • Guardian
    • Custodian
    CIF Number

    Search and select the CIF number.

    This field appears for only existing customers.

    Advanced Search Click this button to perform party using advance parameters.

    For more information on advance search, refer the Advanced Search section below.

    Title Select the title of the applicant from the drop-down list.
    First Name Specify the first name of the applicant.
    Middle Name Specify the middle name of the applicant.
    Last Name Specify the last name of the applicant.
    Suffix Specify the suffix for the applicant.

    This options in this list appears based on the configured entity code in the Oracle Banking Party product.

    Gender Specify the Gender of the applicant from the drop-down list.
    Date of Birth Select the date of birth of the applicant.
    Resident Status

    Select the residential status of the applicant from the drop-down list. Available options are:

    • Non-Resident Alien
    • Resident Alien
    • Citizen
    County of Residence Search and select the country code of which the applicant is a resident.
    Birth Place Specify the birth place where the applicant has born.
    Nationality Search and select the country code where the applicant has nationality.
    Citizenship By Search and select the country code for which applicant has citizenship.
    Marital Status

    Select the marital status of the customer from the drop-down list. Available options are:

    • Married
    • Unmarried
    • Legally Separated
    • Widow
    Customer Segment

    Select the segment of the customer. Available options are:

    • Emerging Affluent
    • High Net worth Individuals
    • Mass Affluent
    • Ultra HNI
    Customer Category Select the category of the customer.
    Preferred Language Select the preferred language.
    Preferred Currency Select the preferred currency.
    Details Of Special Need

    Select the special need details. Available options are:

    • Blindness
    • Cerebral Palsy
    • Low vision
    • Locomotor disability
    • Leprosy-cured
    • Mental retardation
    • Mental illness
    • Hearing Impairment
    Remarks For Special Need Specify the remarks for the special need selected.
    Relationship Manager ID Search and select the Relationship Manager ID for the applicant.
    Staff Select the toggle to indicate if the customer is employee of the bank.
    Profession Select the profession of the customer.
    Politically Exposed Person Select to indicate if the customer are politically exposed person.
    Insider Select to indicate if he customer is insider.

    This section displays the added address of the applicant. It is mandatory to add communication address of the applicant.

    to add address details.

    to perform below actions on the added address details,

    • To view the address details, click View.
    • To edit the address details, click Edit.
    • To delete the address details, click Delete.
    Address Type

    Select the address type for the applicant from the drop-down list.

    • Residential Address
    • Communication Address
    Location Select and search the location.
    Current Address Select to indicate if you want to mark entered address as current address type.
    Preferred Address Select to indicate if you want the selected address type as preferred address type.
    Address From Select the date from when you are connected with the given address.
    Address To Select the date till when you were connected with the given address.

    Specify the address to search for the already captured address.

    Based on the configuration, on entering a few letters, the system fetches the related address that is already captured.

    Based on the selection, the fields are fetched in the address section.

    Address Line 1 Specify the building name.
    Address Line 2 Specify the street name.
    Address Line 3 Specify the city or town name.
    Country Select and search the country code.
    State / Country Sub Division Specify the state or country sub division. This field appears based on the selected country code.
    Zip Code / Post Code Specify the zip or post code of the address.
    Addition Info In this section you can provide addition information.
    Sub Department Specify the sub department.
    Department Specify the department.
    Building Number Specify the building number.
    Post Box Specify the post box code.
    District Name Specify the district name.
    Floor Specify the floor number.
    Room Specify the room number.
    Locality Specify the locality.
    Landmark Specify the landmark.
    Contact Name / Narrative Specify the name of the contact person.
    Contact Details In this section you can provide digital contact details.
    <Communication Mode> Select the communication mode from the drop-down list.
    The available options are:
    • Mobile Phone
    • Email
    Country Select the country along with international subscriber dialing code of the mobile phone from the drop-down list.

    The drop-down list option consist of countrycode, country name and subscriber dialing code.

    This field appears only if you select the Mobile Phone option as communication mode.

    Mobile Number Specify the mobile number.
    Preferred Select to indicate if the given mobile number is the preferred number.
    Action You can edit or delete the added mobile details.
    Email Id Specify the email ID.

    This field appears only if you select the Email option as communication mode.

    Preferred Select to indicate if the given email ID is the preferred ID.
    Action You can edit or delete the added email details.

    In this section you can add new signature and view the already added signature of the customer.

    to add upload signature.

    Click Add button to add the additional signatures.

    Click Cancel button to discard the added details.

    On Submit, signature will be handed off to Oracle Banking Party.

    Upload Signature

    Drag and drop the signature file or click on Select or drop files here to browse and upload the signature from the local system.

    PNG & JPEG file formats are supported.

    Uploaded Signature Displays the uploaded signature.
    Remarks Specify the remarks related to the signature.
    Signature ID Displays the Signature ID for the added signature.
    Signature Displays the added signature.
    Remarks Displays the remarks for the added signature.

    to edit the added signatures

    to delete the added signatures.

    ID Details

    You can add, view and edit the ID details in this section.



    to add ID details.
    ID Type

    Specify the ID type.

    The available options are:

    • ITIN
    • Driving License
    • ATIN
    • EIN
    • SIN
    • Passport
    • SSN
    ID Status

    Specify the status of the selected ID type.

    The available options are:

    • Verification Pending
    • Applied For
    • Available
    • Notice Received
    Unique ID Specify the unique identification code of the selected type. You can enter the unique ID only if the ID Status is Available.
    Place Of Issue Specify the place where the ID is issued to the user.
    Issue Date Specify the date from which the ID is valid.
    Expiration Date Specify the date till which the ID is valid.

    Select to indicate whether added ID details are preferred among all others.

    In case of multiple ID details, it is mandatory to mark any one of the ID details as Preferred.

    Remark Specify the remark.

    to save the entered ID details.

    to edit the added ID details

    to delete the added ID details.

    Supporting Document

    This section displays the status of the supporting documents that customer provides to get onboard. You can view,

    • Total Documents – Counts of total documents
    • Document Submitted – Count of the document that are submitted
    • Document Pending – Count of the document that are pending

    In case of exiting party, already captured documents fetched in this section. User can add, edit or delete the documents.



    to add the document. The Document popup appears. Below fields appears in the popup.
    Document Name Specify the name of the document.
    Document Number Specify the unique number of the selected document.
    Document Issue Date Specify the date from which the document is valid.
    Document Expiry Date Specify the date on which the document is expired.
    Upload Documents Drag and drop the document file or click the Select or drop files here link to browse and upload the document.
    Uploaded Documents

    The name along with extension of the uploaded document is displayed. You can view or delete document.

    Click Save to upload the document.

    Tax Declaration In this section you can update the tax declaration details.
    Form Type Specify the form type for tax declaration.

    If the Non Resident Alien option is selected from the Citizenship Status drop-down list then the Form Type is defaulted to W8-BEN and disable.

    If the Citizen or Resident Alien option is selected from the Citizenship Status drop-down list then the Form Type is defaulted to W9 and disable.

    Valid From Specify the date from which the form is valid.
    Valid Till Specify the date on which the document is expired.
    Remarks Specify the remarks.
    Service Member Details You can capture the service member details in this section, if the customer is service member.
    Unit Name Specify the unit name of the customer.
    Service Branch

    Specify the service branch of the customer.

    The available options are:

    • Army
    • Marine Corps
    • Navy
    • Air Force
    Remarks Specify the remarks.
    Order Number Specify the order number of the service in which the customer is enrolled.
    Notification Date

    Specify the date on which the customer notified bank about the enrollment in service.

    This date cannot be future dated.

    Employee ID Specify the employee identification code.
    Cover Under Armed Forces Benefits Specify whether the customer is covered under the armed forces benefits.
    Active Duty Start Date Specify the date on which service is active.
    Active Duty End Date Specify the date on which the service is ending.
    Advanced Search

    You can perform an advanced search for the party by providing additional information.

    You can perform search on below party types:

    For Individual
    • First Name
    • Middle Name
    • Last Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Unique ID or National ID or SSN ID
    • Mobile Number
    • Email
    For Non- Individual
    • Party ID
    • Business or Organization Name
    • Registration Number
    • Registration Date
    • Email
    • Customer Category

    To search for a party using the advanced search:

  3. Click the Advanced Search.
    The Search Party window appears based on the selected party type.

    Below screenshot refers the

    Figure 2-3 Advanced Search - Individual

  4. Click Fetch to search all the parties. All the parties in system appears in the table.
    Enter the specific search criteria in the respective field and click Fetch. The search result appears based on the search criteria.