1.3.1 Fact

This topic provides the information to fact carrying entity used for creating the rules or features.

Fact is the information carrying entity used for creating the rules or features. The following list of facts are factory shipped product.

Table 1-17 List of Facts – Factory shipped

Fact Code Description Type
AGE Customer Age Number
PRODUCTCODE Business Product Code Text
TOTAL_INCOME Total Income Number
TOTAL_EXPENSE Total Expense Number
OBS_SCORE Bureau Score Number
INSTALMENT Proposed Loan Instalment Number
COLLATERAL_VALUE Collateral Value Number
LOANAMOUNT Loan Amount Number
ASSETS Total Assets Number
LIABILITY Total Liability Number
QUALITY_SCORE Qualitative Score Number
NETINCOME Net Income Number
CDS_GRADE Risk Grade For Pricing Text
LOANTENURE Loan Tenure Number
RATE_TYPE Rate Type Number
EMPLOYMENTTYPE Employment Type Text
APPLICANT_SCORE Applicant Score Number
MARITAL_STATUS Marital Status Text
GENDER Customer Gender Text
CURRENT_DESIGNATION Current Designation Text
COLLATERAL_TYPE Collateral Type Text
COLLATERAL_CATEGORY Collateral Category Text
CUSTOMER_CONTRIBUTION Customer Contribution Number
LOAN_INSTALMENT Existing Loan Instalment Number
EMPLOYEE_TYPE Employee Type Text
ORGANIZATION_CATEGORY Organization Category Text
EMPLOYMENT_TYPE_OF_PARENT Employment Type of Parent Text
INCOME_TYPE_OF_PARENT Income Type of Parent Text
INDUSTRY_OF_PARENT Industry of Parent Text
PROPOSED_COURSE_OF_STUDY Proposed Course of Study Text
ADMISSION_STATUS Admission Status Text
MODE_OF_STUDY Mode of Study Text
INSTITUTION_RANKING Institution Ranking Number
CURRENCY Currency Number
OD_LIMIT_AMOUNT Overdraft Limit Amount Number
OD_TENURE Overdraft Tenure Number
SMB_BUREAU_RATING Bureau Rating of the SMB Number
STAKEHOLDER_BUREAU_SCORE Bureau Score of the Stakeholder Number
SMB_NETWORTH Networth of the SMB Number
SMB_BALANCE_SHEET_SIZE Balance Sheet Size of SMB Number
SMB_OPERATING_PROFIT Operating Profit of SMB Number
SMB_NET_PROFIT Net Profit of SMB Number
SMB_YOY_GROWTH Year on Year Growth for SMB Number
SMB_RETURN_ON_INVESTMENT Return on Investment for SMB Number
SMB_RETURN_ON_EQUITY Return on Equity for SMB Number
SMB_RETURN_ON_ASSET Return on Asset for SMB Number
SMB_RETURN_ON_INVESTMENT Return on Investment for SMB Number
SMB_RETURN_ON_EQUITY Return on Equity for SMB Number
SMB_RETURN_ON_ASSET Return on Asset for SMB Number

This topic contains the following subtopics: