7.1 Maintenance

This topic contains functional activity codes of maintenance.

Table 7-1 Functional Activity Code of Maintenance

Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_AUTHORIZE Authorize To authorize the business product details.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_ACTION Fetch To fetch already created business product details
Business Product Catalogue RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROD_GETPRODUCTCATALOGUE Fetch To fetch the product catalogue with list of products.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_AGGREGATE Fetch To fetch already created resource aggregate details of the business product.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_HISTORY Fetch To fetch histroy of the business products.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_LOV_VALIDATION Validate To validate the list of values that are configured in the business product.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_REM_LOCK Unlock To remove resource lock on the already created business product.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_UNAUTH Fetch To fetch the unauthorized resource record of the business product.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_VALIDATION Validate To validate the resource of business product.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_SUBMIT Submit To submit the added business product details.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_PROD_AGGREGATE Fetch To fetch the business product details based on the product code.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_NEW New To create the new business product details.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_AMEND Amend To modify the business product details.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_DELETE Delete To delete the business product details.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_VIEW Fetch To view the business product details.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_AUTHORIZE Authorize To authorize the business product details.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_AUTHQUERY Authorize To authorize the query of the business product details.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_REOPEN Reopen To reopen the already closed business product details.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_CLOSE Close To close the business product details.
Business Product Details RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODDETAILS_VIEWALL Fetch To fetch all the business product details.
Business Product RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROD_GETBYPRODUCTTYPEWEB Fetch To fetch the business product details whose product type is webapi.
Widget Applications RPM_FA_WD_MY_APPLICATION Fetch To fetch the
Widget Credit Card RPM_FA_WD_MY_CREDIT_CARD Fetch To fetch the added widget of credit card product on dashboard.
Widget Trend RPM_FA_WD_MY_TREND Fetch To fetch the details in the view trend widget.
Widget Search RPM_FA_WD_MY_SEARCH Fetch To fetch the search details in the search widget.
Widget Loan Expiry RPM_FA_WD_MY_LOAN_EXPIRY Fetch To fetch the loan expired applications based on the Loan Offer in the dashboard widget.
Widget Conversation RPM_FA_WD_MY_CONVERSION Fetch To fetch the application conversion details in the dashboard widget.
Widget Loan Exposure RPM_FA_WD_MY_LOAN_EXPOSURE Fetch To fetch the loan exposure details in the dashboard widget.
Widget Loan Offer RPM_FA_WD_MY_LOAN_OFFER Fetch To fetch the loan offer details in the dashboard widget.
Widget Parked Loan RPM_FA_WD_MY_PARKED_LOAN Fetch To fetch the parked loan applications in the dashboard widget.
Widget Current Account RPM_FA_WD_MY_CURRENT Fetch To fetch the list of current account in the dashboard widget.
Widget Loan RPM_FA_WD_MY_LOAN Fetch To fetch the loan application based on the logged in user in the dashboard widget.
Widget Product Expiry RPM_FA_WD_MY_PRODUCT_EXPIRY Fetch To fetch the list of application that are about to get expired in the dashboard widget.
Widget Term Deposits RPM_FA_WD_MY_TD Fetch Te remove resource lock on the already created widget term.
Business Process Maintenance RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROCESS_REOPEN Fetch To reopen the already closed business process maintenance.
Business Process Maintenance RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROCESS_VIEW Fetch To fetch the maintenance of business process.
Business Process Maintenance RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROCESS_NEW New To create a new the business process.
Business Process Maintenance RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROCESS_DELETE Delete To delete the already maintained business process.
Business Process Maintenance RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROCESS_CLOSE Close To close the already maintained business process.
Business Process Maintenance RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROCESS_AUTHQUERY Fetch To authorize the query of the business process details.
Business Process Maintenance RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROCESS_AUTHORIZE Authorize To authorize the business process.
Business Process Maintenance RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROCESS_PUT Unlock To unlock and modify the business process.
Business Process Maintenance RPM_FA_GET_DOC_BY_BPCODE Fetch To fetch the documents based on the business process code.
Business Process Maintenance RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROCESS_AUTHORIZE Authorize To authorize the maintenance of business process.
Business Process Maintenance RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROCESS_VIEW Fetch To fetch the maintenance of business process.
Business Product RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROD_GETBYPRODUCTTYPE Fetch To fetch the product type while maintaining the business process.
Business Product Attributes RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODATTR_GETBYBUSINESSPRODUCT Fetch To fetch the business product code.
Business Product Attributes RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODATTR_REOPEN Fetch To reopen the business product attributes.
Business Product Attributes RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODATTR_AUTHQUERY Fetch To authorise the query of the business product attributes.
Business Product Attributes RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODATTR_AMEND Unlock To modify the business product attributes.
Business Product Attributes RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODATTR_VIEW Fetch To view the business product attributes.
Business Product Attributes RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODATTR_DELETE Delete To delete the business product attributes.
Business Product Attributes RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODATTR_CLOSE Close To close the business product attributes.
Business Product Attributes RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODATTR_NEW New To create the new business product attributes.
Business Product Attributes RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODATTR_VIEWALL Fetch To fetch and view all the business product attributes.
Business Product Attributes RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODATTR_AUTHORIZE Authorize To authorize the business product attributes.
Business Product Preferences RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODPREF_GETBYBUSINESSPRODUCTS Fetch To fetch the business process based on the business product codes.
Business Product Preferences RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODPREF_NEW New To create the new business product preferences.
Business Product Preferences RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODPREF_VIEWALL Fetch To view all the business product preferences.
Business Product Preferences RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODPREF_CLOSE Close To close the business product preferences.
Business Product Preferences RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODPREF_REOPEN Fetch To reopen the business product preferences.
Business Product Preferences RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODPREF_AUTHQUERY Fetch To authorise query of the business product preferences.
Business Product Preferences RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODPREF_AUTHORIZE Authorize To authorize the business product preferences.
Business Product Preferences RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODPREF_AMEND Unlock To modify the business product preferences.
Business Product Preferences RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODPREF_DELETE Delete To delete the business product preferences.
Business Product Preferences RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODPREF_VIEW Fetch To view the business product preferences.
Business Product Host RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODHOST_DELETE Delete To delete the business product host.
Business Product Host RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODHOST_VIEW Fetch To fetch the business product host.
Business Product Host RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODHOST_AUTHORIZE Authorize To authorize the business product host.
Business Product Host RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODHOST_AUTHQUERY Fetch To authorize query of the business product host.
Business Product Host RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODHOST_REOPEN Fetch To reopen the business product host.
Business Product Host RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODHOST_CLOSE Close To close the business product host.
Business Product Host RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODHOST_VIEWALL Fetch To view all the business product host.
Business Product Host RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODHOST_NEW New To create the new business product host.
Business Product Host RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODHOST_AMEND Unlock To modify the business product host.
Origin Preferences Maintenance Reject RPM_FA_ORIGINPREFERENCES_MA_REJECT Reject To reject the maintained of origin preferences maintenance.
Origin Preferences RPM_FA_ORIGINPREFERENCES_ACTION Action To perfrom actions on the already maintained origination preferences.
Origin Preferences Maintenance RPM_FA_ORIGINPREFERENCES_MA_AMND Unlock To unlock and modify the maintained origination preferences.
Origin Preferences Maintenance RPM_FA_ORIGINPREFERENCES_MA_AUTHORIZE Authorize To authorize the maintained origination preferences.
Origin Preferences Maintenance RPM_FA_ORIGINPREFERENCES_MA_AUTHQUERY Fetch To fetch the authorize query of the maintained origination preferences.
Origin Preferences Maintenance RPM_FA_ORIGINPREFERENCES_MA_CLOSE Close To close the already maintained origination preferences.
Origin Preferences Maintenance RPM_FA_ORIGINPREFERENCES_MA_VIEWCHANGES Fetch To fetch the changes made in the existing origination preferences.
Origin Preferences Maintenance RPM_FA_ORIGINPREFERENCES_MA_HISTORY Fetch To fetch the history of the maintained origination preference.
Origin Preferences Maintenance RPM_FA_ORIGINPREFERENCES_MA_LOV Fetch To fetch the validation of the list of value of origination preference.
Origin Preferences Maintenance RPM_FA_ORIGINPREFERENCES_MA_NEW New To new the maintenance of origin preferences.
Origin Preferences Maintenance RPM_FA_ORIGINPREFERENCES_MA_REOPEN Fetch To fetch the delete record to reopen the maintained origination preferences.
Origin Preferences Maintenance RPM_FA_ORIGINPREFERENCES_MA_VIEW Fetch To fetch the maintenance of origin preferences.
Origin Preferences Maintenance RPM_FA_ORIGINPREFERENCES_MA_VIEWALL Fetch To fetch and view all records of orgination preference.
Origin Preferences Maintenance RPM_FA_ORIGINPREFERENCES_MA_DELETE Delete To delete the maintained origination preferences.
Reason Code Maintenance RPM_FA_REASONCODE_MA_REJECT Reject To reject the maintained reason codes.
Reason Code Maintenance RPM_FA_REASONCODE_MA_HISTORY Fetch To fetch the history of the maintained reason codes.
Reason Code Maintenance RPM_FA_REASONCODE_MA_AUTHORIZE Authorize To authorize the maintenance of reason code.
Reason Code Maintenance RPM_FA_REASONCODE_MA_AUTHQUERY Fetch To fetch the authorize query of the maintained of reason code.
Reason Code Maintenance RPM_FA_REASONCODE_MA_CLOSE Close To close the maintenance of reason code.
Reason Code Maintenance RPM_FA_REASONCODE_MA_DELETE Delete To delete the maintenance of reason code.
Reason Code Maintenance RPM_FA_REASONCODE_MA_LOV Fetch To fetch the validation of list of value reason codes.
Reason Code Maintenance RPM_FA_REASONCODE_MA_NEW New To create new the maintenance of reason code.
Reason Code Maintenance RPM_FA_REASONCODE_MA_REOPEN Fetch To fetch already delete record of reason code to reopen.
Reason Code Maintenance RPM_FA_REASONCODE_MA_VIEW Fetch To fetch the reocrds to view the maintenance of reason code.
Reason Code Maintenance RPM_FA_REASONCODE_MA_VIEWALL Fetch To fetch the reocrds to view all the maintenance of reason code.
Reason Code Maintenance RPM_FA_REASONCODE_MA_VIEWCHANGES Fetch To fetch the reocrds to view all the maintenance of reason code.
Reason Code Maintenance RPM_FA_REASONCODE_ACTION Action To perfrom actions on the already maintained reason codes.
Reason Get Id RPM_FA_REASON_GET_ID Fetch To fetch the reason code IDs.
Save Reason Description RPM_FA_SAVE_REASON_DESCRIPTION Save To save the description to the already created reason code.
Reason Service API RPM_FA_FETCH_BANK_REASON_SERVICE_API Fetch To fetch the reason service api.
Reason Code Maintenance RPM_FA_REASONCODE_MA_AMND Unlock To unlock t and modify the maintenance of reason code.
WD SLA Summary RPM_FA_WD_SLA_SUMMARY Fetch To fetch the summary
Business Process RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROCESS_GET Fetch To fetch the maintenance of business.
Business Process History RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROCESS_HISTORY Fetch To fetch the history of the business process.
Business Product Preference RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODPREF_ACTION Fetch To perform actions on already maintained business process preferences.
Business Product Host RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODHOST_ACTION Fetch To perform actions on already maintained business process host.
Business Process RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROCESS_POST Fetch To save the business process record.
Business Process RPM_FA_BUSINESSPROCESS_GETBY_ID Fetch To fetch the business process record based on ID.
Business Product Attributes RPM_FA_BUSINESSPRODATTR_ACTION Fetch To view all the business product attributes.