1.2.2 View Business Process

This topic describes the systematic instructions to View Business Process.

Oracle Banking Origination supports to view the business process created. The View Business Process allows the user to view all of the authorized, un-authorized and closed business process. Authorize option is also available for supervisor users for approving unauthorized business process.

  1. From Home screen, click Retail Banking. Under Retail Banking, click Configuration.
  2. Under Configuration, click Business Process.
  3. Under Business Process, click View Business Process.

    The View Business Process screen displays.

    Figure 1-20 View Business Process

    Tiles representing the various Business Process in different state such as Open, In-Progress, Closed and in Authorized and Unauthorized status are visible in this process.

  4. Click

    icon on the Business Process Tile and click View to view the specific business process.
    The Business Process Definition – View screen displays.

    Figure 1-21 Business Process Definition - View

  5. Click

    icon on the Business Process Tile and click Unlock to edit the specific business process.

    The Business Process Definition – Unlock screen displays.

    Figure 1-22 Business Process Definition – Unlock

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table below.

    Table 1-16 View Business Process – Option Description

    Field Description
    View Click View to view the business process

    Click Unlock to edit the business product information in Create Business Product data segment.

    System will not allow to edit the following fields:

    • Product Type
    • Product Sub-Type
    • Business Product Code.
    Make the required changes in the other relevant data segment and submit the business product.
    Close Click Close to close the business products that are no more relevant for banking product offering. User can close only authorized business products.
    Authorize User with supervisor access will be able to authorize the unauthorized business product. Once approved, the business product status changes to ‘Authorized’ and is available for linking in the Business Process.
    Close Click Close to close the business products that are unauthorized and no more required.