2.4.1 Initial Funding Details

This topic provides the systematic instructions to view and modify the initial funding details captured in the Application Entry stage.

The Initial Funding Details data segment displays the Initial Funding details captured in the Application Entry stage. The Transaction Reference Number and the Transaction Status is either auto-populated or has to be manually captured based on the configuration. Automatic option is supported only for the Initial Funding with Cash mode. Manual process is supported for Account Transfer, Other Bank Cheque, and Cash mode of initial funding.


For more details on the Modes and the Manual/Automatic Process configuration, refer to the Configurations User Guide.

To add initial funding details:

  1. On acquiring the Account Funding task, the Initial Funding Details data segment appears.
    The Initial Funding Details screen displays.

    Figure 2-26 Initial Funding Details

  2. Specify the fields on Initial Funding Details screen.


    The fields, which mentioned as Required, are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-21 Initial Funding Details – Field Description

    Field Description
    Fund the Account Displays the Fund the Account selected in the Account Details Data Segment in Application Entry stage.
    Fund By Displays the Fund by option selected in the Account Details Data Segment in Application Entry stage.
    Amount Displays the amount of the initial funding updated in the Account Details data segment in Application Entry stage.
    Value Date Displays the value date of the initial funding updated in the Account Details data segment in Application Entry stage.
    Account Number

    Displays the account number for the initial funding transaction which was selected in the Account Details data segment of the Application Entry stage

    This field appears only if the Fund By is selected as Account Transfer.

    Account Name

    Displays the account name for the selected account number.

    This field appears only if the Fund By is selected as Account Transfer

    Cheque Number Display the cheque number.
    Cheque Date Displays the cheque date.
    Bank Name

    Displays the bank name.

    This field is applicable only if the Fund By is selected as “Other Bank Cheque”.

    Branch Name

    Displays the Branch name.

    This field is applicable only if the Fund By is selected as “Other Bank Cheque”.

    Cheque Routing Number

    Displays the cheque routing number.

    This field is applicable only if the Fund By is selected as “Other Bank Cheque”.

    GL Account Number Displays the GL account number for the initial funding transaction that was triggered off in the Application Entry stage for the Teller module.
    GL Account Description Displays the GL account description for the initial funding transaction that was triggered off in the Application Entry stage for the Teller module.
    Teller Transaction Reference Number Displays the transaction reference number for the initial funding transaction that was triggered off in the Application Entry stage for the Teller module.
    Teller Transaction Status

    Displays the status of the teller transaction.

    The status of the teller transaction should be ‘Success’ for the submission of the Account Funding stage.

  3. Click Next to navigate to the next data segment, after successfully capturing the data. The system will validate all mandatory data segments and data fields. If mandatory details are not provided, the system displays an error message for the user to take action. User will not be able to proceed to the next data segment, without capturing the mandatory data.