1.3 Conversion Analysis

This topic describes systematic instructions to view Conversion Analysis dashboard.

The Loan Offer Status dashboard allows the logged-in bank user to view the details of the conversion for the various products originated by them.
Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Dashboard.
    The Conversion Analysis dashboard displays in Dashboard screen.
  2. Click Filter icon to filter the data.
    The available options are:
    • Products
    • Period

    By default, the system displays the month-wise conversion details of all the products originated for the current month. This dashboard provides bifurcations across Work-In-Progress (WIP), Completed, and Rejected for the products originated.

  3. Click on hyper-linked number.
    The All Applications screen displays.

    Figure 1-8 All Applications Drill-Down

    The All Applications screen displays the list of various applications for the selected Conversion Status

    The All Applications Drill-Down screen displays the list of various applications for the selected Conversion Status. Refer My Application , to read more about the All Applications Drill-Down screen and Application Details Drill-Down screen.