1.11 Batch Process Configuration

This topic provides the information about batch process configuration.

The batch Process enables the bank users to identify and close the applications which have reached the expiry date. Currently, Oracle Banking Origination supports the following batch process.
  • Application Expiry

    The application will automatically expire when it stays inactive for the specified period as configured in the business product.

  • Loan Offer Expiry

    The Loan Application will automatically expire if the customer has not accepted the Loan Offer for the specified period as configured in the business product.

  • IPA Expiry

    IPA Application will automatically expire if the IPA is not converted into a Loan application for the specified period as configured in the business product.

Batch Process Configuration

The Branch Code and Frequency schedule need to configure, to enable the Batch processes.

The bank user needs to create a user name SYSTEM to run the batch process.

Configure the Branch Code

The user needs to update the proper branch code value in the below table.

Schema – PLATO


application – obremo-rpm-batch-services

key – rpmBatch.branchCode

Value – Update the proper branch code.

Configure the Frequency Schedule

The user needs to update the required frequency value in the below table.




cron Expression – Update the cron Expression to the required frequency.