2 Error Codes and Messages

This topic contains error codes and messages.

Table 2-1 Error Codes and Messages

Error Code Messages
GCS-AUTH-02 Valid modifications for approval were not sent. Failed to match
GCS-AUTH-03 Maker cannot authorize
GCS-AUTH-04 No Valid unauthroized modifications found for approval.
GCS-CLOS-01 Record Already Closed
GCS-CLOS-03 Unauthorized record cannot be closed, it can be deleted before first authorization
GCS-COM-001 Record does not exist
GCS-COM-002 Invalid version sent, operation can be performed only on latest version
GCS-COM-003 Please Send Proper Modification Number
GCS-COM-004 Please send Maker Id in the request
GCS-COM-005 Request is Null. Please Resend with Proper Values
GCS-COM-006 Unable to parse JSON
GCS-COM-008 Modifications should be consecutive.
GCS-COM-009 Resource ID cannot be blank or "null".
GCS-COM-011 Argghhh, $1 failed to update.
GCS-DEL-003 Modifications didnt match valid unauthorized modifications that can be deleted for this record
GCS-DEL-004 Send all unauthorized modifications to be deleted for record that is not authorized even once.
GCS-DEL-005 Only Maker of first version of record can delete modifications of record that is not once authorized.
GCS-DEL-006 No valid unauthroized modifications found for deleting
GCS-DEL-007 Failed to delete. Only maker of the modification(s) can delete.
GCS-MOD-001 Closed Record cannot be modified
GCS-MOD-003 Record marked for close, cannot modify.
GCS-MOD-004 Only maker of the record can modify before once auth
GCS-MOD-005 Not amendable field, cannot modify
GCS-MOD-006 Scorecard Id cannot be modified (Natural Key)
GCS-MOD-007 Psssttt, only the maker can modify the pending records.
GCS-REOP-01 Unauthorized Record cannot be Reopened
GCS-REOP-02 Failed to Reopen the Record, cannot reopen Open records
GCS-REOP-04 Unauthorized record cannot be reopened, record should be closed and authorized
GCS-SAV-001 Record already exists
RPM_BP_001 Source stage value should be either Y/N not valid
RPM-ATR-001 Invalid Date Format. Expected yyyy-MM-dd.
RPM-BP-002 Cannot have more than one source stage
RPM-BP-003 DatasegmentCode not valid
RPM-BP-004 DocumentType Code not valid
RPM-BP-005 Life cycle not valid
RPM-BP-006 Unable to $1 Business Process as $2 datasegment has the following dependencies $3 in lifecycle $4 ,which have not been mapped prior to it!
RPM-BP-007 Unable to $1 Business Process as the mandatory data segments $2 for the $3 lifecycle have not been mapped!
RPM-BP-008 In $1 stage of $2 Business Process,duplicate datasegements - $3 are not allowed
RPM-BP-009 Record already exist with same Lifecycle and Business Product
RPM-BP-010 At $1 in $2 stage of $3 Business Process,duplicate record for - $4 exist
RPM-BP-011 At $1 in $2 stage of $3 Business Process,Business Product List is invalid.
RPM-BP-012 Business Product Code is Invalid
RPM-BP-013 Stage $1 should have atleast one datasegment attached
RPM-BPA-001 Business Product Image Cannot be Null
RPM-BP-CMN-001 Exception Occurred while Parsing Date
RPM-BPD-001 Expiry date should be greater than Start date
RPM-CMN-000 Illegal State Exception
RPM-CMN-001 Exception Occurred while Executing Query
RPM-CMN-002 Number format exception
RPM-CMN-003 Server Error Occurred during API call
RPM-CMN-004 Illegal State Exception
RPM-CMN-005 JTA Transaction unexpectedly rolled back
RPM-CMN-006 Exception Occurred while creating Bean
RPM-CMN-007 Internal server error occurred
RPM-CM-QUSC-001 Individual Score cannot be greater than 100
RPM-CM-QUSC-002 Please provide a valid value for Score Card Id
RPM-CM-QUSC-003 Please provide a valid value for Score Card Description
RPM-CM-QUSC-004 Atleast one Question is mandatory to save
RPM-CM-QUSC-005 Atleast one Answer is mandatory for each Question
RPM-CM-QUSC-006 Please provide a valid value for Question Id
RPM-CM-QUSC-007 Please provide a valid value for Questions
RPM-CM-QUSC-008 Please provide a valid value for Sequence Question Number
RPM-CM-QUSC-009 Please provide a valid value for Sequence Number
RPM-CM-QUSC-010 Please provide a valid value for Possible Answers
RPM-CM-QUSC-011 Please provide a valid value for Score
RPM-CM-QUSC-012 Please provide a valid value for Sequence Answer Number
RPM-CM-QUSC-013 Atleast one Attribute is mandatory to save
RPM-CM-QUSC-014 Please provide a valid value for Attribute Id
RPM-CM-QUSC-015 Please provide a valid value for Attribute Name
RPM-CM-QUSC-016 The Max length of Attribute Name is exceeded (Max: 50 characters)
RPM-CM-QUSC-017 Please provide a valid value for Sequence Attribute Number
RPM-CM-QUSC-018 Please provide a valid value for Attribute Type
RPM-CM-QUSC-019 Atleast one Answer is mandatory for each Attribute
RPM-CM-QUSC-020 Please provide a valid value for Attribute List
RPM-CM-QUSC-021 The Max length of Attribute List is exceeded (Max: 100 characters)
RPM-CM-QUSC-022 Please provide a valid value for Range From
RPM-CM-QUSC-023 Please provide a valid value for Range To
RPM-COM-003 Net interest Rate is incorrect.
RPM-COM-004 Application Number cannot be null
RPM-COM-005 $1 is not valid.
RPM-COM-006 Currency cannot be null
RPM-COM-007 Branch cannot be null
RPM-COM-012 Fund By Amount can not be null
RPM-INTR-001 Net Interest Rate is invalid
RPM-INTRST-001 Overall percentage should be equal to 100%
RPM-INTRST-002 Guardian details is required for minor $1
RPM-MNDT-001 Amount_To should not be null if Amount_From is given
RPM-MNDT-002 Amount_From should not be null if Amount_To is given
RPM-MNDT-003 Amount_To should be greater than Amount_From
RPM-SA-INIT-01 Failed to Initialize
RPM-SAV-001 Transaction status is not completed
RPM-SC-CMN-001 Please provide a valid value for Process Reference Number
RPM-SC-CMN-002 Please provide a valid value for Business Product Code
RPM-SC-CMN-003 No Business Product found this Process Reference Number
RPM-SC-CMN-004 No Applicants are found for this Application Number
RPM-SC-CMN-005 Qualitative Scorecard Configuration from Business Product is empty
RPM-SC-CMN-006 No Scorecard details found from the Scorecard Configuration
RPM-SC-CMN-007 Quantitative Scorecard Configuration from Business Product is empty
RPM-SC-CMN-008 The Max length of Score Card Id is exceeded (Max: 15 characters)
RPM-SC-CMN-009 The Max length of Score Card Description is exceeded (Max: 50 characters)
RPM-SC-CMN-010 The Max length of Questions is exceeded (Max: 300 characters)
RPM-SC-CMN-011 The Max length of Possible Answers is exceeded (Max: 100 characters)
RPM-SC-CMN-012 The Scorecard - ($1) configured in Qualitative Configuration is Closed. Please modify the Configuration to Proceed
RPM-SC-CMN-013 The Scorecard - ($1) configured in Quantitative Configuration is Closed. Please modify the Configuration to Proceed
RPM-SC-QCDS-001 Please select a valid dropdown value for Answer
RPM-CC-CMN-001 Process Reference Number cannot be blank
RPM-CC-CMN-002 Error in parsing date
RPM-CC-CMN-003 Business Product Code cannot be null
RPM-CC-CMN-004 Business Product Details is Empty
RPM-CC-CMN-005 UDE is not found for this component
RPM-CC-CMN-006 The flags are null from business product
RPM-CC-CMN-007 Branch Code cannot be null
RPM-CC-CMN-008 The data from Common Core is null
RPM-CC-CMN-009 Initiation Number or Business Product Code is null
RPM-CC-CMN-010 The data from Process Driver is null
RPM-CC-CMN-011 Currency Code cannot be null
RPM-CC-CMN-012 Country Code cannot be null
RPM-CC-CMN-013 JSON parser exception
RPM-CC-CMN-014 Applicant Details not found for this application Number
RPM-CC-CMN-015 CreditCard Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-CC-CMN-016 Assessment Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-CC-CMN-017 Approval Details not found for this Process Reference Number
RPM-CC-CMN-018 Customer number cannot be null
RPM-CC-CMDT-001 Please provide a valid value for Process Reference Number
RPM-CC-CMDT-002 Please provide a valid value for Application Number
RPM-CC-CMDT-003 Please provide a valid value for Stage Code
RPM-CC-CMDT-004 KYC status update Pending
RPM-CC-CMDT-005 KYC Not Compliant - cannot proceed with Application
RPM-CC-CCDT-001 Please select a valid dropdown value for Card Limit Type
RPM-CC-CCDT-002 Please provide a valid value for CreditCard Currency Code
RPM-CC-CCDT-003 Please provide a valid value for Card Type
RPM-CC-CCDT-004 Please provide a valid value for ApplicationDate
RPM-CC-CCDT-005 ApplicationDate cannot be past date
RPM-CC-CCDT-006 ApplicationDate cannot be future date
RPM-CC-CCDT-007 Please provide a valid value for CreditCard Limit Amount
RPM-CC-CCDT-008 Please provide a valid value for ProductName
RPM-CC-CCDT-009 CreditCard Limit Amount should be greater than zero
RPM-CC-CCDT-010 CreditCard amount should be between minimum and maximum Card Limit
RPM-CC-PROD-001 Host Product Code is not configured as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-002 Host Product Description is not configured as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-003 Interest and Charge components are not configured as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-004 Component Type is not configured for components as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-005 Display Name is not configured for UdeId as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-006 Ude Type is not configured for UdeId as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-007 Atleast one Charge component as to be configured as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-008 Atleast one Interest component as to be configured as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-009 Main Interest Component is not configured as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-010 Ude list for Main Interest Component is not configured as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-011 Margin to be Considered as to be configured as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-012 Currency Configuration as to be configured as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-013 Max Amount is not configured for Currency as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-014 Max Term is not configured for Currency as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-015 Max Term Tenor Basis is not configured for Currency as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-016 Min Amount is not configured for Currency as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-017 Min Term is not configured for Currency as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-018 Min Term Tenor Basis is not configured for Currency as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-019 Branch Allowed as to be configured as part of Business Product
RPM-CC-PROD-020 Atleast one branch should be configured if Branch Allowed is selected in Business Product