1.5 Origination Preferences

This topic describes the preferences which are set at origination level.

Using this screen, you can maintain pre-defined origination parameters which enables the bank to define generic parameters which governs the behavior of the application during the process of account opening.

This screen comprises of the following section:
  • Generic Parameters: In this section user can define parameters for dashboard widgets, age limit and nominees for minor, funding, incomplete application expiry, dedupe, resident stability.
  • Credit and Compliance Parameters: In this section user can define the parameters for credit decision threshold limit of insider level and executive officer level and also annual percentage rate parameters.
  • Offer: In this section user can define downsell offer expiry parameters.
  • Integration: In this section user can defined host integration parameter.

To edit origination preferences:

  1. From the Menu List, navigate from Retail Banking >> Configurations to Origination Preference screen.
  2. Click View Origination Preference screen to view already defined preferences.

    The View Origination Preference screen is displayed.

    Figure 1-98 View Origination Preference

    For more information on fields, refer tothe field description table below:

    Table 1-98 View Origination Preference - Field Describes

    Field Name Description
    Host User Displays the user ID of logged in user who set this preferences.
    Year Start Date Displays the year start date.
    Year Start Month Displays the year start month.
    <Footer of Title>

    This section displays the status of the record as,

    • Whether the record is Authorized or Unauthorized
    • Whether the record is Open or Closed
    • Number of times the record is edited
  3. Click

    icon on the top right-hand side of the questionnaire tile and click Unlock.

    The Origination Preferences screen is displayed in edit mode.

    Figure 1-99 Origination Preference - Edit

  4. Specify the details in the relevant data fields. The fields which are marked with Required are mandatory. For more information on fields, refer tothe field description table below.

    Table 1-99 Origination Preference - Edit – Field Description

    Field Description
    Generic Parameters In this section user can capture generic parameters.
    Widget Parameters In this section user can define dashboard widget preferences.
    Start Day for filter Specify the day of the month from which the application should be displayed in the dashboard widget.
    Start Month for filter Specify the start month count of the year to get the current financial year applications in the dashboard widget.
    Loan Offer nearing Expiry- bucket one in days

    Specify number of days to highlight the loan offers that are nearing to the expiry.

    Based on this number of days the system calculates and displays the count of applications under the loan offer in the first bucket of the Loan Offers Near Expiry widget on dashboard.

    Loan Offer nearing Expiry- bucket two in days

    Specify number of days to highlight the loan offers that are nearing to the expiry.

    Based on this number of days the system calculates and displays the count of applications under the loan offer in the second bucket of the Loan Offers Near Expiry widget on dashboard.

    Loan Offer nearing Expiry - bucket three in days

    Specify number of days to highlight the loan offers that are nearing to the expiry.

    Based on this number of days the system calculates and displays the count of applications under the loan offer in the third bucket of the Loan Offers Near Expiry widget on dashboard.

    Application nearing Expiry - bucket one in days

    Specify number of days to highlight the applications that are nearing to the expiry.

    Based on this number of days the system calculates and displays the count of applications in the first bucket of the Product Application Near Expiry widget on dashboard.

    Application nearing Expiry - bucket two in days

    Specify number of days to highlight the applications that are nearing to the expiry.

    Based on this number of days the system calculates and displays the count of applications in the second bucket of the Product Application Near Expiry widget on dashboard.

    Application nearing Expiry - bucket three in days

    Specify number of days to highlight the applications that are nearing to the expiry.

    Based on this number of days the system calculates and displays the count of applications in the third bucket of the Product Application Near Expiry widget on dashboard.

    Minor Age For Nominees In this section user can define the age limit of minor in years for opening and account.
    Savings Minor Age Specify the age of the minor to open saving account.
    Term Deposit Minor Age Specify the age of minor to open term deposit account.
    Funding Parameters In this section user can define the funding parameters.
    Current and Savings Account Initial Funding by Cheque

    Specify the preferences of initial funding for current and saving accounts. This preferences are specific to funding that are initiate by cheques.

    The available option is Manual process.

    Current and Savings Account Initial Funding by Cash

    Specify the preferences of initial funding for current and saving accounts. This preferences are specific to funding that are initiate by cash.

    The available options are:

    • Automatic
    • Manual
    Current and Savings Account Initial Funding by Account

    Specify the preferences of initial funding for current and saving accounts. This preferences are specific to funding that are initiate by account.

    The available options are:

    • Host
    • Manual
    TD Account Funding by Cheque Specify the preferences of initial funding for term deposit and saving accounts. This preferences are specific to funding that are initiate by cheques.
    TD Account Funding by Cash

    Specify the preferences of initial funding for current and saving accounts. This preferences are specific to funding that are initiate by cash.

    The available options are:

    • Automatic
    • Manual
    TD Account Funding by Account

    Specify the preferences of initial funding for term deposit accounts. This preferences are specific to funding that are initiate by account.

    The available options are:

    • Host
    • Manual
    Incomplete Application Expiry In this section user can define the expiry preferences for incomplete applications.
    Incomplete Application Expiry Period (in Days) Specify number of days to highlight the incomplete applications that are nearing to the expiry.
    Lead Days for Incomplete Application Expiry Period Alert Indicates the number of days prior to the application expiry, when an alert is triggered to the banker intimating about the application expiry.
    Lag Days for Incomplete Application Expiry Period Alert Indicates the number of days after the application is expired, an alert is triggered to the banker intimating about the application expiry.
    Dedupe Parameters In this section user can define preferences for dedupe parameters.
    Application dedupe Select to trigger the application dedupe process.
    Customer dedupe Select to trigger the customer dedupe process.
    Resident Stability In this section user can set preferences for resident stability.
    Resident Stability Applicable Products Select the products for which the resident stability is validated.
    Resident Stability (Years) Specify the number of years for which the resident stability is valid.
    Insider Credit Threshold In this section user can define the threshold limits for insider credit.
    Insider Credit Threshold CCY Specify the credit threshold currency for insider.
    Insider Credit Threshold Specify the credit threshold value for insider.
    Executive Officer Credit Threshold CCY Specify the credit threshold currency for executive officer.
    Executive Officer Credit Threshold Specify the credit threshold value for executive officer.
    Annual Percentage Rate Parameters In this section user can define the annual percentage rate parameters.
    Armed Forces Maximum APR % Specify the maximum annual percentage rate value for armed forces.
    Service Members Maximum APR % Specify the maximum annual percentage rate value for service members.
    Offers In this section user can define offers related preferences.
    Downsell Offer Expiry Period (in Days) Specify number of days to highlight the downsell offers that are nearing to the expiry.
    Lead Days for Downsell Offer Expiry Alert Indicates the number of days prior to the downsell offer expiry, when an alert is triggered to the banker intimating about the offer expiry.
    Lag Days for Downsell Offer Expiry Alert Indicates the number of days after the downsell offer expiry, when an alert is triggered to the banker intimating about the offer expiry.
    Integration In this section user can define integration preferences.
    Host User Specify the host user for integration.
    Direct Banking URL Specify the direct banking URL.
    Enable Address Search In this section user can define the preferences of enabling address search.
    Customer Information DS Select to enable the address search in the Customer Information data segment of account opening application.
    Credit Card Addon Card Holder DS Select to enable the address search in the Credit Card Addon Card Holder data segment of the credit card account opening application.
    Collateral DS Select to enable the address search in the Collateral data segment of account opening application.
    Solicitor Details Select to enable the address search while capturing solicitor details.
    Nominee / Guardian for Current and Saving Select to enable the address search while capturing nominee or guardian details in the current and saving application.
    Nominee / Guardian for Term Deposit Select to enable the address search while capturing nominee or guardian details in the term deposit application.