B Error Codes and Messages

This topic contains the error codes and messages.

Table B-1 Error Codes and Messages

Error Code Messages
RPM_CMN_APL_001 Please provide valid value for Application Number
RPM_CMN_APL_002 Please provide valid value for Process Reference number
RPM_CMN_APL_003 Address list can not be null or empty
RPM_CMN_APL_004 Applicant details model list can not be null or empty
RPM_CMN_APL_005 Please provide valid value for Country
RPM_CMN_APL_006 Please provide a valid value for AddressLine1
RPM_CMN_APL_007 Please provide a valid value for PinCode
RPM_CMN_APL_008 Please provide a valid value for Email
RPM_CMN_APL_009 Please provide a valid value for MobileIsd
RPM_CMN_APL_010 Please provide a valid value for MobileNo
RPM_CMN_APL_011 Please provide a valid value for FirstName
RPM_CMN_APL_012 Please provide a valid value for LastName
RPM_CMN_APL_013 Please provide a valid value for DateOfBirth
RPM_CMN_APL_014 Please provide a valid value for Gender
RPM_CMN_APL_015 Please provide a valid value for Country of residence
RPM_CMN_APL_016 Please provide a valid value for Citizenship
RPM_CMN_APL_017 Empty Request Cannot be Send to Party
RPM_CMN_APL_018 Exception Occured while parsing Json Response
RPM_CMN_APL_019 Exception Occured while Producing even for Kafka
RPM_CMN_APL_020 Please select one communication address for $1
RPM_CMN_APL_021 Please provide valid value for Address Type of $1
RPM_CMN_APL_022 Please provide valid value for Building Name of $1
RPM_CMN_APL_023 Please provide valid value for State of $1
RPM_CMN_APL_024 Please provide valid value for City of $1
RPM_CMN_APL_025 Please provide valid value for Street Name of $1
RPM_CMN_APL_026 Exception occured while fetching applicant count
RPM_TC_011 Error occured while getting uploaded Doc
RPM-AT-001 Failed in Updating Transaction Log
RPM-AT-002 Record not found
RPM-AT-005 Mandatory Datasegment(s) - $1
RPM-AT-015 Pending Approval of Overrides
RPM-CA-001 Error occurred while parsing from Model to Entity
RPM-CM-FLDT-034 Total Income should not be negative
RPM-CM-FLDT-035 Total Expense should not be negative
RPM-CMN-000 Illegal State Exception
RPM-CMN-001 Exception Occurred while Executing Query
RPM-CMN-002 Number format exception
RPM-CMN-003 Server Error Occurred during API call
RPM-CMN-004 Illegal State Exception
RPM-CMN-005 JTA Transaction unexpectedly rolled back
RPM-CMN-006 Exception Occurred while creating Bean
RPM-CMN-007 Internal server error occurred
RPM-CMN-APL-027 Please provide valid value for Holding Pattern
RPM-CMN-APL-028 Please provide valid value for Ownership
RPM-CMN-APL-029 Please provide valid value for Salutation of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-030 Please provide valid value for First Name
RPM-CMN-APL-031 Please provide valid value for Last Name
RPM-CMN-APL-032 Please provide valid value for Gender of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-033 Please provide valid value for Date Of Birth of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-034 Please provide valid value for Resident Status of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-035 Please provide valid value for Citizenship By of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-036 Please provide valid value for Unique Id Type of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-037 Please provide valid value for Unique Id Number of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-038 Customer age should be more than $1 for $2 Product.
RPM-CMN-APL-039 Customer age should be less than $1 for $2 Product.
RPM-CMN-APL-040 Same Customer cannot be added multiple times as Applicant.
RPM-CMN-APL-041 Please provide valid value for Party Id for $1
RPM-CMN-APL-042 Please provide valid value for Short Name for $1
RPM-CMN-APL-043 Please provide valid value for Birth Country for $1
RPM-CMN-APL-044 $1
RPM-CMN-APL-045 $1
RPM-CMN-APL-046 Click on 'Cancel' and correct the error or wait for the in-progress party amendment request to be complete to reinitiate the party amendment again. Alternately click on 'Proceed' to submit this stage without the amendment.
RPM-CMN-APL-047 Please provide valid value for Birth Country of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-048 Please provide valid value for Nationality of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-049 Please provide valid value for Prefered Language of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-050 Please provide valid value for Prefered Currency of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-051 Please provide valid value for Customer SubType for $1
RPM-CMN-APL-052 Please provide valid value for Customer Segment for $1 .
RPM-CMN-APL-053 Please provide valid value for Marital Status of $1 .
RPM-COM-001 JSONException occured
RPM-CR-001 Error occured while adding the product to cart
RPM-CR-002 Error occured while deleting the product from cart
RPM-CR-003 Error occured while getting the cart details
RPM-LO-ACDT-001 Start Date cannot be before the First Repayment Date
RPM-LO-ACDT-002 Please provide a valid value for Start Date
RPM-LO-ACDT-003 Please provide a valid value for Statement Type
RPM-LO-ACDT-004 Please provide a valid value for Statement Cycle
RPM-LO-ACDT-005 Please provide a valid value for Account Services Model
RPM-LO-ACDT-006 Please select a valid drop-down value for Statement Type
RPM-LO-ACDT-007 Please select a valid drop-down value for Statement Cycle
RPM-LO-ACDT-008 Please select a valid drop-down value for Holiday Check
RPM-LO-ACDT-009 Please select a valid value for Holiday Preferences
RPM-LO-ADDT-001 Please enter a valid value for Scholarship/Bursaries Eligible Amount
RPM-LO-ADDT-002 Scholarship/Bursaries Eligible Amount should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-ADDT-003 Cost Of Course Amount should not be negative
RPM-LO-ADDT-004 Source Amount should not be negative
RPM-LO-ADDT-005 Total Cost Of Course is not equal to Individual Cost Of Courses
RPM-LO-ADDT-006 Total Source is not equal to Individual Sources
RPM-LO-ADDT-007 Please provide a valid value for Total Cost Of Course
RPM-LO-ADDT-009 Total Cost Of Course should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-ADDT-010 Please provide a valid value for Loan Requested For
RPM-LO-ADDT-011 Please provide a valid value for Admission Status
RPM-LO-ADDT-012 Please provide a valid value for Mode Of Study
RPM-LO-ADDT-013 Please provide a valid value for Proposed Course Of Study
RPM-LO-ADDT-014 Please provide a valid value for Institution
RPM-LO-ADDT-015 Please provide a valid value for University/School
RPM-LO-ADDT-016 Please provide a valid value for Institution Ranking
RPM-LO-ADDT-017 Please provide a valid value for Specialization
RPM-LO-ADDT-018 Please provide a valid value for Course Commencement Date
RPM-LO-ADDT-019 Please provide a valid value for Employment Potential
RPM-LO-ADDT-020 Please provide a valid value for Scholarship/Bursaries Eligible
RPM-LO-ADDT-021 Please provide a valid value for Cost Of Course
RPM-LO-ADDT-022 Please provide a valid value for Source
RPM-LO-ADDT-023 Please enter a valid value for Scholarship Or Bursaries Amount Currency Code
RPM-LO-ADDT-024 Scholarship Or Bursaries Amount Currency should be same as Loan Currency
RPM-LO-ADDT-025 Please provide a valid value for Cost Of Course present in list
RPM-LO-ADDT-026 Please provide a valid value for Source present in list
RPM-LO-ADDT-027 Please select a valid drop-down value for Loan Requested For
RPM-LO-ADDT-028 Please select a valid drop-down value for Admission Status
RPM-LO-ADDT-029 Please select a valid drop-down value for Mode Of Study
RPM-LO-ADDT-030 Projected Earnings Currency should be same as Loan Currency
RPM-LO-ADDT-031 Cost Of Course Currency should be same as Loan Currency
RPM-LO-ADDT-032 Source Currency should be same as Loan Currency
RPM-LO-ADDT-033 Scholarship Details not provided
RPM-LO-ADRS-001 Please provide a valid value for Building
RPM-LO-ADRS-002 Please provide a valid value for Street
RPM-LO-ADRS-004 Please provide a valid value for City
RPM-LO-ADRS-005 Please provide a valid value for State
RPM-LO-ADRS-006 Please provide a valid value for Zip Code
RPM-LO-APDS-001 Please provide a valid value for User Recommendation
RPM-LO-APDS-002 Please select a valid drop-down value for User Recommendation
RPM-LO-APDS-003 Please provide a valid value for Assessment Calculation Mode
RPM-LO-APDT-001 For Applicant Type Single, the Number of Applicants should be equal to 1
RPM-LO-APDT-002 For Applicant Type Joint, the Number of Applicants should be more than 1
RPM-LO-APDT-003 Applicant cannot be a minor. Age should be more than 18years
RPM-LO-APDT-004 At least one Applicant should be a Primary Applicant
RPM-LO-APDT-005 Only one Applicant can be a primary Applicant
RPM-LO-ASDT-001 Dimension should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-ASDT-002 Market Value should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-ASDT-003 Market Value equal to Loan Amount or Less than Loan Amount
RPM-LO-ASDT-004 Please provide a valid value for Mortgaged Branch
RPM-LO-ASDT-005 Please select a valid drop-down value for Mortgaged Branch
RPM-LO-ASDT-006 Please provide a valid value for Market Value Currency Code
RPM-LO-ASDT-007 Please select a valid drop-down value for Market Value Currency Code
RPM-LO-ASDT-008 Please provide a valid value for Home Type
RPM-LO-ASDT-009 Please select a valid drop-down value for Home Type
RPM-LO-ASDT-010 Please provide a valid value for Dimension Measure Type
RPM-LO-ASDT-011 Please select a valid drop-down value for Dimension Measure Type
RPM-LO-ASDT-012 Please provide a valid value for Asset Status
RPM-LO-ASDT-013 Please select a valid drop-down value for Asset Status
RPM-LO-ASDT-014 Please provide a valid value for Dimensions
RPM-LO-ASDT-015 Please provide a valid value for Market Value
RPM-LO-ASST-001 Either Calculated or Overwritten value must be selected to Continue
RPM-LO-ASST-002 Please provide a valid value for Reason For Change
RPM-LO-ASST-003 Please provide a valid value for Revised Approved Amount
RPM-LO-ASST-004 Please provide a valid value for Revised Approved Amount Currency Code
RPM-LO-ASST-005 Please provide a valid value for Revised Loan Tenure
RPM-LO-ASST-006 Revised Loan Tenure should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-ASST-007 Please provide a valid value for Revised Interest Rate
RPM-LO-ASST-008 Please provide a valid value for Revised Effective Rate On Loan
RPM-LO-ASST-009 Revised Approved Amount should not be greater than Requested Loan Amount
RPM-LO-ASST-010 Please provide a valid value for User Recommendation
RPM-LO-ASST-011 Please select a valid drop-down value for User Recommendation
RPM-LO-ASST-012 Please provide a valid value for Approved Loan Amount Currency Code
RPM-LO-ASST-013 Approved Loan Amount Currency should be same as Requested Loan Amount Currency
RPM-LO-ASST-014 Revised Approved Amount Currency should be same as Requested Loan Amount Currency
RPM-LO-ASST-015 Min Amount is not configured in Product for Currency $1
RPM-LO-ASST-016 Revised Approved Loan Amount should not be less than $2 for Currency $1
RPM-LO-ASST-017 Max Tenure is not configured in Product for Currency $1
RPM-LO-ASST-018 Min Tenure is not configured in Product for Currency $1
RPM-LO-ASST-019 Revised Loan Tenure should be in between $2 $3 and $4 $5 for Currency $1
RPM-LO-ASST-020 Effective Rate cannot be negative
RPM-LO-ASST-021 Margin exceeds the tolerance limit allowed (+/- $1)
RPM-LO-ASST-022 Effective Rate should be in between $1% and $2% as per Min and Max values in Product
RPM-LO-ASST-023 Revised Effective Rate should be same as Revised Interest Rate as Tolerance Margin configured is 0
RPM-LO-ASST-024 Approved Loan Amount should not be less than $2 for Currency $1
RPM-LO-ASST-025 Margin exceeds the tolerance limit allowed (+ $1)
RPM-LO-BPER-001 Multiple Disbursement is not configured in Product
RPM-LO-BPER-002 Moratorium is not configured in Product
RPM-LO-BPER-003 Offer Amendment is not configured in Product
RPM-LO-BPER-004 Offer Expiry is not configured in Product
RPM-LO-BPER-005 Margin to be Considered is not configured in Business Product
RPM-LO-BPER-006 Account Currency is not Configured from Product
RPM-LO-BPER-007 Type of Repayment is not Configured from Product
RPM-LO-BPER-008 Account Branch is not Configured from Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-001 Host Product Code is not configured as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-002 Host Product Description is not configured as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-003 Interest and Charge components are not configured as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-004 Component Type is not configured for components as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-005 Display Name is not configured for $1 as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-006 Ude Type is not configured for $1 as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-007 Atleast one Charge component as to be configured as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-008 Atleast one Interest component as to be configured as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-009 Main Interest Component is not configured as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-010 Ude list for Main Interest Component is not configured as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-011 Margin to be Considered as to be configured as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-012 Currency Configuration as to be configured as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-013 Max Amount is not configured for Currency $1 as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-014 Max Term is not configured for Currency $1 as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-015 Max Term Tenor Basis is not configured for Currency $1 as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-016 Min Amount is not configured for Currency $1 as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-017 Min Term is not configured for Currency $1 as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-018 Min Term Tenor Basis is not configured for Currency $1 as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-019 Branch Allowed as to be configured as part of Business Product
RPM-LO-BPLC-020 Atleast one branch should be configured if Branch Allowed is selected in Business Product
RPM-LO-CHDT-001 If Waive All is selected, all charges should be waived off
RPM-LO-CHDT-002 For Payment Method "Cash", Transaction Reference Number should be mandatory
RPM-LO-CHDT-003 For Payment Method "Online Transfer", Bank Code and Account Number should be mandatory
RPM-LO-CHDT-004 For Payment Method "Others", Bank Code and Account Number should be mandatory
RPM-LO-CHDT-005 Payment Method is Mandatory, if charges are not waived off
RPM-LO-CHDT-006 Charges waived
RPM-LO-CLDT-001 Collateral Value should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-CLDT-002 Dimension should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-CLDT-003 Total Collateral Value is not equal to sum of Individual Collaterals
RPM-LO-CLDT-004 Utilized Previously should not be negative
RPM-LO-CLDT-005 Cover Available is not equal to Total Collaterval Value minus Utilized Previously
RPM-LO-CLDT-006 Please provide a valid value for Utilized Previously
RPM-LO-CLDT-007 Please provide a valid value for Utilized Previously Currency Code
RPM-LO-CLDT-008 Please provide a valid value for Collateral Type
RPM-LO-CLDT-009 Please provide a valid value for Collateral Value
RPM-LO-CLDT-010 Please provide a valid value for Collateral Value Currency Code
RPM-LO-CLDT-012 Please provide a valid value for Make
RPM-LO-CLDT-013 Please provide a valid value for Model
RPM-LO-CLDT-014 Please provide a valid value for Investment Type
RPM-LO-CLDT-015 Please provide a valid value for Bank Name
RPM-LO-CLDT-016 Please provide a valid value for Branch Name
RPM-LO-CLDT-017 Please provide a valid value for Maturity Date
RPM-LO-CLDT-018 Please provide a valid value for Attributes
RPM-LO-CLDT-019 Please provide a valid value for Dimension
RPM-LO-CLDT-020 Please provide a valid value for Dimension Measure Type
RPM-LO-CLDT-021 Please provide a valid value for Address
RPM-LO-CLDT-022 Please provide a valid value for Secondary Charge Allowed
RPM-LO-CLDT-023 Please provide a valid value for Third Party Collateral
RPM-LO-CLDT-024 Please provide a valid value for Name
RPM-LO-CLDT-025 Please select a valid drop-down value for Utilized Previously Currency Code
RPM-LO-CLDT-026 Please provide a valid value for Cover Available Currency Code
RPM-LO-CLDT-027 Please select a valid drop-down value for Cover Available Currency Code
RPM-LO-CLDT-028 Please provide a valid value for Total Collateral Value Currency Code
RPM-LO-CLDT-029 Please select a valid drop-down value for Total Collateral Value Currency Code
RPM-LO-CLDT-030 Please select a valid drop-down value for Collateral Type
RPM-LO-CLDT-031 Please select a valid drop-down value for Collateral Value Currency Code
RPM-LO-CLDT-032 Please select a valid drop-down value for Branch
RPM-LO-CLDT-033 Please select a valid drop-down value for Attributes
RPM-LO-CLDT-034 Please select a valid drop-down value for Dimension Measure Type
RPM-LO-CLDT-035 Secondary Charge Allowed
RPM-LO-CLDT-036 Third party only available collateral
RPM-LO-CMDT-001 Date Of Birth cannot be future date
RPM-LO-CMDT-002 Enter a valid email
RPM-LO-CMDT-003 Please provide a valid value for Address Line 1
RPM-LO-CMDT-004 Please provide a valid value for Country
RPM-LO-CMDT-005 Please provide a valid value for Pin Code
RPM-LO-CMDT-006 Please provide a valid value for Mobile Isd
RPM-LO-CMDT-007 Please provide a valid value for Mobile No
RPM-LO-CMDT-008 Please provide a valid value for Income Type
RPM-LO-CMDT-009 Please provide a valid value for Employment Type
RPM-LO-CMDT-010 Please provide a valid value for Industry
RPM-LO-CMDT-011 Please provide a valid value for Address Type
RPM-LO-CMDT-012 Please provide a valid value for Process Reference Number
RPM-LO-CMDT-013 Please provide a valid value for Application Number
RPM-LO-CMDT-014 Please provide a valid value for Stage Code
RPM-LO-CMDT-015 Please provide a valid value for Title
RPM-LO-CMDT-016 Please provide a valid value for First Name
RPM-LO-CMDT-017 Please provide a valid value for Last Name
RPM-LO-CMDT-018 Please provide a valid value for Marital Status
RPM-LO-CMDT-019 Please provide a valid value for Date Of Birth
RPM-LO-CMDT-020 Please provide a valid value for Gender
RPM-LO-CMDT-021 Please provide a valid value for Unique Id No
RPM-LO-CMDT-022 Please provide a valid value for Seq No
RPM-LO-CMDT-023 Please provide a valid value for Email
RPM-LO-CMDT-024 Please provide a valid value for CIF Number
RPM-LO-CMDT-025 Single Installment is supported only for Bullet repayment
RPM-LO-CMDT-026 No Business Product found this Process Reference Number
RPM-LO-CMDT-027 KYC status update Pending
RPM-LO-CMDT-028 KYC Not Compliant - cannot proceed with Application
RPM-LO-CMDT-029 Please select a valid drop-down value for Country
RPM-LO-CMDT-030 Holiday Preference Not aligned to Host (back end) Product Default
RPM-LO-CMN-001 Process Reference Number cannot be null
RPM-LO-CMN-002 Error in parsing date
RPM-LO-CMN-003 Offer Issue Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-004 Offer Accept/Reject Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-005 Loan Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-006 Applicant Details not found for this Application number
RPM-LO-CMN-007 Charge Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-008 Repayment Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-009 Assessment Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-010 Asset Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-011 Mortgage Valuation Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-012 Disbursement Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-013 Vehicle Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-014 Collateral Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-015 Interest Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-016 Please provide a valid value for Business Product Code
RPM-LO-CMN-017 Business Product Details is Empty
RPM-LO-CMN-018 UDE is not found for this component
RPM-LO-CMN-019 The flags are null from business product
RPM-LO-CMN-025 No Account Services are found for this process ref Number
RPM-LO-CMN-026 No Account Creation Details are found for this process ref Number
RPM-LO-CMN-027 Please provide a valid value for Branch code.
RPM-LO-CMN-028 The data from Common core is null.
RPM-LO-CMN-029 Final Hand-Off call to Customer Failed
RPM-LO-CMN-030 Customer is not yet created in Host
RPM-LO-CMN-031 Initiation Number or Business Product Code is null
RPM-LO-CMN-032 The data from Process Driver is null
RPM-LO-CMN-033 Please provide a valid value for Currency Code
RPM-LO-CMN-034 Please provide a valid value for Country Code
RPM-LO-CMN-035 JSON parser exception
RPM-LO-CMN-036 Customer number cannot be null
RPM-LO-CMN-037 No Vehicle Valuation details found for this Process Reference Number
RPM-LO-CMN-039 No Account Details are found for this Process Reference Number
RPM-LO-CMN-040 Approval Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-041 Loan Summary Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-042 The selected disbursement account is Dormant
RPM-LO-CMN-043 The selected disbursement account is Frozen
RPM-LO-CMN-044 The selected disbursement account is Blocked
RPM-LO-CMN-045 No credits allowed on selected disbursement account
RPM-LO-CMN-046 The selected repayment account is Dormant
RPM-LO-CMN-047 The selected repayment account is Frozen
RPM-LO-CMN-048 The selected repayment account is Blocked
RPM-LO-CMN-049 No debits allowed from selected repayment account
RPM-LO-CRDS-001 Please provide a valid value for External Rating Agency
RPM-LO-CRDS-002 Please provide a valid value for External Rating
RPM-LO-CUDS-001 For Customer Response Accept, Date Of Offer Accept Or Reject is Mandatory
RPM-LO-CUDS-002 For Customer Response Reject, Date Of Offer Accept Or Reject is Mandatory
RPM-LO-CUDS-003 For Customer Response Amend, Offer Amend Date is Mandatory
RPM-LO-CUDS-004 Date Of Offer Accept Or Reject cannot be future date
RPM-LO-CUDS-005 Offer Amend Date cannot be future date
RPM-LO-CUDS-006 Please enter a valid value for Reason
RPM-LO-CUDS-007 Date Of Offer Accept Or Reject cannot be after the Date Of Offer Expiry
RPM-LO-CUDS-008 Offer Amend Date cannot be after the Date Of Offer Expiry
RPM-LO-CUDS-009 Date Of Offer Accept Or Reject cannot be before the Loan Application Date
RPM-LO-CUDS-010 Offer Amend Date cannot be before the Loan Application Date
RPM-LO-CUDS-011 Please provide a valid value for Customer Response
RPM-LO-CUDS-012 Please select a valid drop-down value for Customer Response
RPM-LO-CUDS-013 Offer Amend is not supported as per the configuration in Business Product
RPM-LO-DDDS-001 First Disbursement Date cannot be past date
RPM-LO-DDDS-002 Please provide a valid value for Total Disbursement
RPM-LO-DDDS-003 Total Disbursement should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-DDDS-004 Total Disbursement should be equal to the requested Loan Amount
RPM-LO-DDDS-005 For Frequency Based, Disbursement Frequency is mandatory
RPM-LO-DDDS-006 Please provide a valid value for Stage
RPM-LO-DDDS-007 Please provide a valid value for Date
RPM-LO-DDDS-008 Please provide a valid value for Amount Of Disbursement
RPM-LO-DDDS-009 Please provide a valid value for Total Disbursement
RPM-LO-DDDS-010 The First Disbursement Schedule Date should always be equal to First Disbursement Date
RPM-LO-DDDS-011 Amount Of Disbursement should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-DDDS-012 Total Amount Of Disbursement is not equal to requested Loan Amount
RPM-LO-DDDS-013 Date cannot be past date
RPM-LO-DDDS-014 Disbursement Dates should always be in Chronological order
RPM-LO-DDDS-015 Please provide a valid value for Disbursement Mode
RPM-LO-DDDS-016 Please select a valid drop-down value for Disbursement Mode
RPM-LO-DDDS-017 Please provide a valid value for Number Of Disbursement
RPM-LO-DDDS-018 Please provide a valid value for Disbursement Frequency
RPM-LO-DDDS-019 Please provide a valid value for Total Disbursement Currency Code
RPM-LO-DDDS-020 Total Disbursement Currency should be same as Loan Currency
RPM-LO-DDDS-021 Please select a valid drop-down value for Disbursement Frequency
RPM-LO-DDDS-022 For Multiple Disbursement, the Number Of Disbursement should be equal or greater than 2
RPM-LO-DDDS-023 For Single Disbursement, the Number Of Disbursement should be equal to 1
RPM-LO-DDDS-024 Please provide a valid value for Customer Account
RPM-LO-DDDS-026 Please provide a valid Customer Account
RPM-LO-DDDS-027 First Disbursement Date cannot be future date
RPM-LO-DDDS-028 Please provide a valid value for First Disbursement Date
RPM-LO-DDDS-029 For Multiple Disbursement, Disbursement Details is Mandatory
RPM-LO-DDDS-030 Please provide a valid value for Issue Branch Code
RPM-LO-DDDS-031 Please provide a valid drop-down value for Issue Branch Code
RPM-LO-DDDS-032 Please provide a valid value for Payee Name
RPM-LO-DDDS-033 Please provide a valid value for Address 1
RPM-LO-DDDS-034 Please provide a valid value for Issue Branch Name
RPM-LO-DDDS-035 Please provide a valid value for Payee Branch Code
RPM-LO-DDDS-036 Please provide a valid drop-down value for Payee Branch Code
RPM-LO-DDDS-037 Please provide a valid value for Payee Branch Name
RPM-LO-DDDS-038 Please provide a valid value for Beneficiary Name
RPM-LO-DDDS-039 Please provide a valid value for External Account Number
RPM-LO-DDDS-040 Please provide a valid value for BIC Code
RPM-LO-DDDS-041 Please provide a valid value for Bank Name
RPM-LO-DDDS-042 Please provide a valid value for Branch Name
RPM-LO-DDDS-043 Please provide a valid value value for Branch Code
RPM-LO-DDDS-044 Please provide a valid value for Bank Code
RPM-LO-DDDS-045 The selected customer account is Dormant
RPM-LO-DDDS-046 The selected customer account is Frozen
RPM-LO-DDDS-047 The selected customer account is Blocked
RPM-LO-DDDS-048 No credits allowed on selected account
RPM-LO-EDDT-001 Total Income should not be negative
RPM-LO-EDDT-002 Total Expense should not be negative
RPM-LO-FLDT-001 Income Amount should not be negative
RPM-LO-FLDT-002 Expense Amount should not be negative
RPM-LO-FLDT-003 Total Income Amount is not equal to Individual Incomes
RPM-LO-FLDT-004 Total Expense Amount is not equal to Individual Expenses
RPM-LO-FLDT-005 Net Amount is not equal to Total Income Amount minus Total Expense Amount
RPM-LO-FLDT-006 Income should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-FLDT-007 Expense should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-FLDT-008 Asset Amount should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-FLDT-009 Liability Amount should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-FLDT-010 Total Asset Amount is not equal to Individual Assets
RPM-LO-FLDT-011 Total Liability Amount is not equal to Individual Liabilities
RPM-LO-FLDT-012 Please provide a valid value for Parent Or Guardian Details
RPM-LO-FLDT-013 Please provide a valid value for Basic Details
RPM-LO-FLDT-014 Please provide a valid value for Income Details
RPM-LO-FLDT-016 Please provide a valid value for Expense Details
RPM-LO-FLDT-018 Please provide a valid value for Income Type
RPM-LO-FLDT-019 Please provide a valid value for Total Income Amount
RPM-LO-FLDT-020 Please provide a valid value for Expense Type
RPM-LO-FLDT-021 Please provide a valid value for Total Expense Amount
RPM-LO-FLDT-022 Please provide a valid value for Asset Type
RPM-LO-FLDT-023 Please provide a valid value for Net Amount
RPM-LO-FLDT-024 Please provide a valid value for Liability Type
RPM-LO-FLDT-026 Please provide a valid value for Seq Income No
RPM-LO-FLDT-027 Please provide a valid value for Seq Expense No
RPM-LO-FLDT-028 Please provide a valid value for Seq Asset No
RPM-LO-FLDT-029 Please provide a valid value for Seq Liability No
RPM-LO-FLDT-030 Please provide a valid value for Seq Basic Details No
RPM-LO-FLDT-031 Please provide a valid value for Seq Parent Details No
RPM-LO-FLDT-036 Net Amount should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-GTDT-002 Guarantor cannot be a minor. Age should be more than 18years
RPM-LO-GTDT-004 Please provide a valid value for Relationship With Customer
RPM-LO-GTDT-006 Please provide a valid value for Existing Customer
RPM-LO-GTDT-007 Please provide a valid value for Cif Number
RPM-LO-GTDT-008 Please select a valid drop-down value for Title
RPM-LO-GTDT-009 Please select a valid drop-down value for Relationship With Customer
RPM-LO-INDT-001 Effective Rate On Loan should be equal to Interest Rate minus Customer Margin
RPM-LO-INDT-002 Effective Rate cannot be negative
RPM-LO-INDT-003 Margin exceeds the tolerance limit allowed (+/- $1) for $2
RPM-LO-INDT-004 Min and Max values are not configured for $1 in product
RPM-LO-INDT-005 Effective Rate should be in between $1% and $2% for $3 as per Min and Max values in Product
RPM-LO-INDT-006 Effective Rate should be same as Interest Rate as Tolerance Margin configured is 0
RPM-LO-INDT-007 Margin exceeds the tolerance limit allowed (+ $1) for $2
RPM-LO-IODT-001 Please provide a valid value for Offer Issue Date
RPM-LO-IODT-002 Offer Issue Date cannot be future date
RPM-LO-IODT-003 Offer Issue Date cannot be past date
RPM-LO-LNDT-001 Loan Amount should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-LNDT-002 Please enter a valid value for Loan Tenure
RPM-LO-LNDT-003 Loan Tenure should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-LNDT-004 Please provide a valid value for Loan Currency Code
RPM-LO-LNDT-005 Please provide a valid value for Loan Amount
RPM-LO-LNDT-006 Please provide a valid value for Product Name
RPM-LO-LNDT-007 Please provide a valid value for Purpose Of Loan
RPM-LO-LNDT-008 Max Amount is not configured in Product for Currency $1
RPM-LO-LNDT-009 Min Amount is not configured in Product for Currency $1
RPM-LO-LNDT-010 Loan Amount should be in between $2 and $3 for Currency $1
RPM-LO-LNDT-011 Please select a valid drop-down value for Account Currency
RPM-LO-LNDT-012 Please provide a valid value for Account Branch
RPM-LO-LNDT-013 Please select a valid drop-down value for Account Branch
RPM-LO-LNDT-014 Please provide a valid value for Account Type
RPM-LO-LNDT-015 Please provide a valid value for Application Date
RPM-LO-LNDT-016 Application Date cannot be past date
RPM-LO-LNDT-017 Application Date cannot be future date
RPM-LO-LNDT-018 Please provide a valid value for Estimated Cost
RPM-LO-LNDT-019 Please provide a valid value for Customer Contribution
RPM-LO-LNDT-020 Estimated Cost should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-LNDT-021 Customer Contribution should be equal or greater than zero
RPM-LO-LNDT-022 Loan Amount should be equal to Estimated Cost minus Customer Contribution
RPM-LO-LNDT-023 Loan Tenure should be in between $2 $3 and $4 $5 for Currency $1
RPM-LO-LNDT-024 Max Tenure is not configured in Product for Currency $1
RPM-LO-LNDT-025 Min Tenure is not configured in Product for Currency $1
RPM-LO-LODT-001 Opinion Date cannot be future Date
RPM-LO-LODT-002 Opinion Date cannot be before the Application Date"
RPM-LO-LODT-003 Please provide a valid value for Opinion
RPM-LO-LODT-004 Please select a valid drop-down value for Opinion
RPM-LO-LSDS-001 Please provide a valid value for User Recommendation
RPM-LO-LSDS-002 Please select a valid drop-down value for User Recommendation
RPM-LO-MNDT-001 Collateral Share cannot be negative
RPM-LO-MNDT-002 Repayment Share cannot be negative
RPM-LO-MNDT-003 Repayment Share for an Applicant should not be more than 100%
RPM-LO-MNDT-004 Sum of Individual Repayment Shares should be equal to 100%
RPM-LO-MNDT-005 Please provide a valid value for No Of Mandates
RPM-LO-MNDT-006 Please provide a valid value for Repayment Share
RPM-LO-MNDT-007 Please provide a valid value for Applicant Id
RPM-LO-MVDT-001 Actual Area Of Property should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-MVDT-002 Face Value Of Asset should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-MVDT-003 Market Value Of Asset should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-MVDT-004 Valuation Date cannot be future Date
RPM-LO-MVDT-005 Forced Sale Value should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-MVDT-006 Valuation Date cannot be before the Application Date
RPM-LO-MVDT-007 Forced Sale Value should be less than the Market Value Of Asset
RPM-LO-MVDT-008 Please provide a valid value for Bank Valuation
RPM-LO-MVDT-009 Please select a valid drop-down value for Bank Valuation
RPM-LO-MVDT-010 Please provide a valid value for Actual Area Of Property Measure Type
RPM-LO-MVDT-011 Please select a valid drop-down value for Actual Area Of Property Measure Type
RPM-LO-MVDT-012 Please provide a valid value for Market Value Of Asset Currency Code
RPM-LO-MVDT-013 Market Value Of Asset Currency should be same as Borrowers Market Value of Asset Currency
RPM-LO-MVDT-014 Please provide a valid value for Face Value Of Asset Currency Code
RPM-LO-MVDT-015 Face Value Of Asset Currency should be same as Borrowers Market Value of Asset Currency
RPM-LO-MVDT-016 Please provide a valid value for Forced Sale Value Currency Code
RPM-LO-MVDT-017 Forced Sale Value Currency should be same as Borrowers Market Value of Asset Currency
RPM-LO-PODT-001 Please provide a valid value for Offer Amend Date
RPM-LO-PODT-002 Offer Amend Date cannot be future date
RPM-LO-PODT-003 Offer Amend Date cannot be past date
RPM-LO-PODT-004 Please provide a valid value for Approved Loan Amount
RPM-LO-PODT-005 Please provide a valid value for Approved Loan Amount Currency
RPM-LO-PODT-006 Approved Loan Amount Currency should be same as Requested Loan Amount Currency
RPM-LO-PODT-007 Please provide a valid value for Loan Tenure
RPM-LO-PODT-008 Loan Tenure should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-PODT-009 Approved Loan Amount should not be greater than Requested Loan Amount
RPM-LO-PODT-010 The maximum value allowed for Loan Tenure Months is 11
RPM-LO-PODT-011 Min Amount is not configured in Product for Currency $1
RPM-LO-PODT-012 Approved Loan Amount should not be less than $2 for Currency $1
RPM-LO-PODT-013 Max Tenure is not configured in Product for Currency $1
RPM-LO-PODT-014 Min Tenure is not configured in Product for Currency $1
RPM-LO-PODT-015 Loan Tenure should be in between $2 $3 and $4 $5 for Currency $1
RPM-LO-PODT-016 Please provide a valid value for Rate Of Interest
RPM-LO-PODT-017 Please provide a valid value for Effective Rate
RPM-LO-PODT-018 Effective Rate cannot be negative
RPM-LO-PODT-019 Margin exceeds the tolerance limit allowed (+/- $1)
RPM-LO-PODT-020 Effective Rate should be in between $1% and $2% as per Min and Max values in Product
RPM-LO-PODT-021 Effective Rate should be same as Rate of Interest as Tolerance Margin configured is 0
RPM-LO-PODT-022 Margin exceeds the tolerance limit allowed (+ $1)
RPM-LO-RPDT-001 Please provide a valid value for Type Of Repayment
RPM-LO-RPDT-002 Please provide a valid value for Repayment Frequency
RPM-LO-RPDT-003 Please provide a valid value for First Repayment Date
RPM-LO-RPDT-004 Please provide a valid value for Maturity Date
RPM-LO-RPDT-005 Please provide a valid value for Repayment Mode
RPM-LO-RPDT-006 Please provide a valid value for Moratorium Period
RPM-LO-RPDT-013 Moratorium Period should be not be less than zero
RPM-LO-RPDT-014 First Repayment Date cannot be past date
RPM-LO-RPDT-015 First Repayment Date cannot be before the First Disbursement Date
RPM-LO-RPDT-016 Please select a valid drop-down value for Type Of Repayment
RPM-LO-RPDT-017 Please select a valid drop-down value for Repayment Frequency
RPM-LO-RPDT-018 Please select a valid drop-down value for Repayment Mode
RPM-LO-RPDT-019 Please provide a valid value for Customer Account
RPM-LO-RPDT-021 Please provide a valid Customer Account
RPM-LO-RPDT-022 The selected customer account is Dormant
RPM-LO-RPDT-023 The selected customer account is Frozen
RPM-LO-RPDT-024 The selected customer account is Blocked
RPM-LO-RPDT-025 No debits allowed from selected account
RPM-LO-RPDT-026 Please provide a valid value for Payee's Name
RPM-LO-RPSH-001 Please provide a valid value for Repayment Type
RPM-LO-RPSH-002 Please provide a valid value for First Repayment Date
RPM-LO-RPSH-003 Please provide a valid value for Repayment Frequency
RPM-LO-SUB-01 Applicant Details has been modified. Please update financial details accordingly
RPM-LO-SUB-02 Applicant Details has been modified. Please update mandate details accordingly
RPM-LO-VDDT-001 For Vehicle Class Used, Chasis Number is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-002 For Vehicle Class Used, Engine Number is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-003 For Vehicle Class Used, Registration Number is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-004 For Vehicle Class Used, Registered State is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-005 For Vehicle Class Used, Registered City is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-006 For Vehicle Class Used, Insurance Company is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-007 For Vehicle Class Used, Policy Number is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-008 For Vehicle Class Used, Policy Commencement Date is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-009 For Vehicle Class Used, Premium Amount is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-010 For Vehicle Class Used, Premium Frequency is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-011 For Vehicle Class Used, Policy Renewal Date is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-012 For Vehicle Class Used, Distance Run - Value is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-013 For Vehicle Class Used, Expected Selling Price is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-014 For Vehicle Class Used, Premium Amount should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-VDDT-015 For Vehicle Class Used, Expected Selling Price should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-VDDT-016 For Vehicle Class Used, Distance Run should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-VDDT-017 Please provide a valid value for Hypothecated Branch
RPM-LO-VDDT-018 Please provide a valid value for Make
RPM-LO-VDDT-019 Please provide a valid value for Model
RPM-LO-VDDT-020 Please provide a valid value for Vehicle Class
RPM-LO-VDDT-021 Please select a valid drop-down value for Hypothecated Branch
RPM-LO-VDDT-022 Please select a valid drop-down value for Vehicle Class
RPM-LO-VDDT-023 For Vehicle Class Used, Premium Amount Currency Code is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-024 Premium Amount Currency should be same as Loan Currency
RPM-LO-VDDT-025 Please select a valid drop-down value for Premium Frequency
RPM-LO-VDDT-026 Please select a valid drop-down value for Distance Run - Type
RPM-LO-VDDT-027 For Vehicle Class Used, Expected Selling Price Currency Code is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-028 Expected Selling Price Currency should be same as Loan Currency
RPM-LO-VDDT-029 For Vehicle Class Used, Distance Run - Type is required
RPM-LO-VDDT-030 Comprehensive insurance not provided
RPM-LO-VDDT-031 Please provide a valid value for Make (MM/YYYY)
RPM-LO-VHDT-001 For Vehicle Class Used, Price As Per Valuation should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-VHDT-002 For Vehicle Class Used, Bank Valuation is required
RPM-LO-VHDT-003 For Vehicle Class Used, Fuel Type is required
RPM-LO-VHDT-004 For Vehicle Class Used, Distance During Valuation - Value is required
RPM-LO-VHDT-006 For Vehicle Class Used, Number Of Accidents is required
RPM-LO-VHDT-007 For Vehicle Class Used, Number Of Owners is required
RPM-LO-VHDT-008 For Vehicle Class Used, Price As Per Valuation is required
RPM-LO-VHDT-009 For Vehicle Class Used, Valuation Date is required
RPM-LO-VHDT-010 For Vehicle Class Used, Valuator is required
RPM-LO-VHDT-011 For Vehicle Class Used, Valuator Comments is required
RPM-LO-VHDT-012 For Vehicle Class Used, Valuation Date cannot be future Date
RPM-LO-VHDT-013 For Vehicle Class Used, Valuation Date cannot be before the Loan Application Date
RPM-LO-VHDT-014 For Vehicle Class Used, Distance During Valuation should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-VHDT-015 Please select a valid drop-down value for Bank Valuation
RPM-LO-VHDT-016 Please select a valid drop-down value for Fuel Type
RPM-LO-VHDT-017 For Vehicle Class Used, Distance During Valuation - Type is required
RPM-LO-VHDT-018 Please select a valid dropdown value for Distance During Valuation - Type
RPM-LO-VHDT-019 For Vehicle Class Used, Price As Per Valuation Curreny Code is required
RPM-LO-VHDT-020 Price As Per Valuation Curreny should be same as Loan Currency
RPM-PD-001 generateSequenceNumber : Entity cannot be null
RPM-PD-002 Sequence Generator failed to generate the reference number
RPM-PD-003 businessProductCode cannot be null
RPM-PD-004 Error while fetching Business Process
RPM-PD-005 Error while Fetching the Business Products
RPM-PD-006 Error occured while creating ATM Entity Model
RPM-PD-007 Unable to acquire task
RPM-PD-008 Error occurred while initiating workflow
RPM-PD-009 ApplicationNumber cannot be null
RPM-PD-010 Unable to save application in Transaction Controller
RPM-PD-011 Failed to persist comments
RPM-PD-012 Unable to update task to complete
RPM-PD-013 Process Code cannot be null for the lifecycle
RPM-PD-014 Error occured while submitting details to domain
RPM-PD-015 Unable to update stages
RPM-PD-016 Application Number, Process Code and Stagecode are mandatory
RPM-PD-017 Unable to update task to complete
RPM-PD-018 Error occured while fetching Summary details
RPM-PD-019 Datasegment is Mandatory
RPM-PD-020 Error occured while fetching Summary details
RPM-PD-021 Error while getting datasegments from TC
RPM-PD-022 Error occured while acquiring the task
RPM-PD-023 ProcessRefNo cannot be null
RPM-PD-024 Failed in domain save
RPM-PD-025 Error occured while releasing the task
RPM-PD-026 Application submit/save failed for External System
RPM-PD-027 Application fetch failed for External System
RPM-PD-028 No Business Process maintained for the given Business Product
RPM-PD-029 $1 is not valid
RPM-PD-030 The product $1 cannot be selected multiple times
RPM-PD-031 Multiple products of the product type $1 cannot be selected
RPM-PD-032 Cannot cancel the application as one or more process has crossed irrevocable stages
RPM-PD-033 Mandatory Datasegments $1 are missing for the reference number $2
RPM-PD-034 Datasegment Code(s) is missing for $1 for the reference number $2
RPM-PD-035 Loan offer accept/reject is not applicable for the given application
RPM-PD-036 Unable to proceed as the application is already being processed by the bank
RPM-PR-001 Error occured while getting the cart details
RPM-TO-001 Mandatory Checklist(s) - $1
RPM-TO-020 Mandatory Document(s) - $1