5 Error Codes and Messages

This topic describes the error codes and messages.

Table 5-1 Error Codes and Messages

Error Codes Messages
RPM_CMN_APL_001 Please provide valid value for Application Number
RPM_CMN_APL_002 Please provide valid value for Process Reference number
RPM_CMN_APL_003 Address list can not be null or empty
RPM_CMN_APL_004 Applicant details model list can not be null or empty
RPM_CMN_APL_005 Please provide valid value for Country
RPM_CMN_APL_006 Please provide a valid value for AddressLine1
RPM_CMN_APL_007 Please provide a valid value for PinCode
RPM_CMN_APL_008 Please provide a valid value for Email
RPM_CMN_APL_009 Please provide a valid value for MobileIsd
RPM_CMN_APL_010 Please provide a valid value for MobileNo
RPM_CMN_APL_011 Please provide a valid value for FirstName
RPM_CMN_APL_012 Please provide a valid value for LastName
RPM_CMN_APL_013 Please provide a valid value for DateOfBirth
RPM_CMN_APL_014 Please provide a valid value for Gender
RPM_CMN_APL_015 Please provide a valid value for Country of residence
RPM_CMN_APL_016 Please provide a valid value for Citizenship
RPM_CMN_APL_017 Empty Request Cannot be Send to Party
RPM_CMN_APL_018 Exception Occured while parsing Json Response
RPM_CMN_APL_018 Exception Occured while Producing even for Kafka
RPM_CMN_APL_020 Please select one communication address for $1
RPM_CMN_APL_021 Please provide valid value for Address Type of $1
RPM_CMN_APL_022 Please provide valid value for Building Name of $1
RPM_CMN_APL_023 Please provide valid value for State of $1
RPM_CMN_APL_024 Please provide valid value for City of $1
RPM_CMN_APL_025 Please provide valid value for Street Name of $1
RPM_CMN_APL_026 Exception occured while fetching applicant count
RPM_ODADV_001 Please provide a value for LimitId
RPM_ODADV_002 Please provide a value for limitAmountCcy
RPM_ODADV_003 Please provide a value for limit Amount
RPM_ODADV_004 Please provide a value for StartDate
RPM_ODADV_005 Please provide a value for EndDate
RPM_ODADV_006 Please provide a value for CollateralType
RPM_ODSEC_001 Please provide a valid value for Make
RPM_ODSEC_002 Please provide a valid value for Model
RPM_ODSEC_003 Please provide a valid value for InvestmentType
RPM_ODSEC_004 Please provide a valid value for BankName
RPM_ODSEC_005 Please provide a valid value for MaturityDate
RPM_ODSEC_006 Please provide a valid value for BranchName
RPM_ODSEC_007 Please provide a valid value for Attributes
RPM_ODSEC_008 Please provide a valid value for Dimension
RPM_ODSEC_009 Please provide a valid value for Dimension Type
RPM_ODSEC_010 Please provide a valid value for SecurityReferenceNo
RPM_ODSEC_011 Please provide a valid value for BranchCode
RPM_ODSEC_012 Please provide a valid value for AvalLinkageAmountCcy
RPM_ODSEC_013 Please provide a valid value for AvalLinkageAmount
RPM_ODSEC_014 Please provide a value for CollateralType
RPM_ODSEC_015 Please provide a value for CollateralValue
RPM_ODUN_001 Please provide a value for Renew Tod
RPM_ODUN_002 Please provide a value for Renew Period Type
RPM_ODUN_003 Please provide a value for Renew Period
RPM_ODUN_004 Please provide a value for Next Renewal Limit CCY
RPM_ODUN_005 Please provide a value for Next Renewal Limit
RPM_TC_011 Error occured while getting uploaded Doc
RPM-ACC-DET-001 Initial funding is allowed but are not captured
RPM-ACC-DET-002 Captured initial funding amount is less than minimum amount
RPM-ACC-DET-003 Initial Funding is not allowed but still captured
RPM-ACC-DET-004 Please provide valid value for currency
RPM-ACC-DET-005 Please provide valid value for branch code
RPM-ACC-DET-006 Currency $1 is not allowed for this product
RPM-ACC-DET-007 Product code can not be null
RPM-AT-001 Failed in Updating Transaction Log
RPM-AT-002 Record not found
RPM-AT-005 Mandatory Datasegment(s) - $1
RPM-AT-015 Pending Approval of Overrides
RPM-ATR-001 Invalid Date Format. Expected yyyy-MM-dd.
RPM-CA-001 Error occurred while parsing from Model to Entity
RPM-CM-FLDT-034 Total Income should not be negative
RPM-CM-FLDT-035 Total Expense should not be negative
RPM-CMN-001 Exception Occurred while Executing Query
RPM-CMN-002 Number format exception
RPM-CMN-003 Server Error Occurred during API call
RPM-CMN-004 Illegal State Exception
RPM-CMN-005 JTA Transaction unexpectedly rolled back
RPM-CMN-006 Exception Occurred while creating Bean
RPM-CMN-007 Internal server error occurred
RPM-CMN-APL-027 Please provide valid value for Holding Pattern
RPM-CMN-APL-028 Please provide valid value for Ownership
RPM-CMN-APL-029 Please provide valid value for Salutation of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-030 Please provide valid value for First Name
RPM-CMN-APL-031 Please provide valid value for Last Name
RPM-CMN-APL-032 Please provide valid value for Gender of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-033 Please provide valid value for Date Of Birth of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-034 Please provide valid value for Resident Status of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-035 Please provide valid value for Citizenship By of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-036 Please provide valid value for Unique Id Type of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-037 Please provide valid value for Unique Id Number of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-038 Customer age should be more than $1 for $2 Product.
RPM-CMN-APL-039 Customer age should be less than $1 for $2 Product.
RPM-CMN-APL-040 Same Customer cannot be added multiple times as Applicant.
RPM-CMN-APL-041 Please provide valid value for Party Id for $1
RPM-CMN-APL-042 Please provide valid value for Short Name for $1
RPM-CMN-APL-043 Please provide valid value for Birth Country for $1
RPM-CMN-APL-044 $1
RPM-CMN-APL-045 $1
RPM-CMN-APL-046 Click on 'Cancel' and correct the error or wait for the in-progress party amendment request to be complete to reinitiate the party amendment again. Alternately click on 'Proceed' to submit this stage without the amendment.
RPM-CMN-APL-047 Please provide valid value for Birth Country of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-048 Please provide valid value for Nationality of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-049 Please provide valid value for Prefered Language of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-050 Please provide valid value for Prefered Currency of $1
RPM-CMN-APL-051 Please provide valid value for Customer SubType for $1
RPM-CMN-APL-052 Please provide valid value for Customer Segment for $1
RPM-CMN-APL-053 Please provide valid value for Marital Status of $1
RPM-CR-003 Error occured while getting the cart details
RPM-INTR-001 Net Interest Rate is invalid
RPM-INTRST-001 Overall percentage should be equal to 100%
RPM-INTRST-002 Guardian details is required for minor $1
RPM-LO-CMDT-001 Date Of Birth cannot be future date
RPM-LO-CMDT-002 Enter a valid email
RPM-LO-CMDT-003 Please provide a valid value for Address Line 1
RPM-LO-CMDT-004 Please provide a valid value for Country
RPM-LO-CMDT-005 Please provide a valid value for Pin Code
RPM-LO-CMDT-006 Please provide a valid value for Mobile Isd
RPM-LO-CMDT-007 Please provide a valid value for Mobile No
RPM-LO-CMDT-008 Please provide a valid value for Income Type
RPM-LO-CMDT-009 Please provide a valid value for Employment Type
RPM-LO-CMDT-010 Please provide a valid value for Industry
RPM-LO-CMDT-011 Please provide a valid value for Address Type
RPM-LO-CMDT-012 Please provide a valid value for Process Reference Number
RPM-LO-CMDT-013 Please provide a valid value for Application Number
RPM-LO-CMDT-014 Please provide a valid value for Stage Code
RPM-LO-CMDT-015 Please provide a valid value for Title
RPM-LO-CMDT-016 Please provide a valid value for First Name
RPM-LO-CMDT-017 Please provide a valid value for Last Name
RPM-LO-CMDT-018 Please provide a valid value for Marital Status
RPM-LO-CMDT-019 Please provide a valid value for Date Of Birth
RPM-LO-CMDT-020 Please provide a valid value for Gender
RPM-LO-CMDT-021 Please provide a valid value for Unique Id No
RPM-LO-CMDT-022 Please provide a valid value for Seq No
RPM-LO-CMDT-023 Please provide a valid value for Email
RPM-LO-CMDT-024 Please provide a valid value for CIF Number
RPM-LO-CMDT-025 Single Installment is supported only for Bullet repayment
RPM-LO-CMDT-026 No Business Product found this Process Reference Number
RPM-LO-CMDT-027 Please provide valid value for Employee Agreement
RPM-LO-CMDT-028 Please provide valid value for Organization Category
RPM-LO-CMDT-029 Please provide valid value for Demographics
RPM-LO-CMDT-030 Please provide valid value for Employment Start Date.
RPM-LO-CMDT-031 Please provide valid value for Industry Type .
RPM-LO-CMDT-032 Please provide valid value for Organization Name .
RPM-LO-CMDT-033 Please provide valid value for Employee Type .
RPM-LO-CMN-001 Process Reference Number cannot be null
RPM-LO-CMN-002 Error in parsing date
RPM-LO-CMN-003 Offer Issue Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-004 Offer Accept/Reject Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-005 Loan Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-006 Applicant Details not found for this Application number
RPM-LO-CMN-007 Charge Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-008 Repayment Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-009 Assessment Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-010 Asset Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-011 Mortgage Valuation Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-012 Disbursement Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-013 Vehicle Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-014 Collateral Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-CMN-015 Interest Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-LO-FLDT-001 Income Amount should not be negative
RPM-LO-FLDT-002 Expense Amount should not be negative
RPM-LO-FLDT-003 Total Income Amount is not equal to Individual Incomes
RPM-LO-FLDT-004 Total Expense Amount is not equal to Individual Expenses
RPM-LO-FLDT-005 Net Amount is not equal to Total Income Amount minus Total Expense Amount
RPM-LO-FLDT-006 Income should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-FLDT-007 Expense should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-FLDT-008 Asset Amount should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-FLDT-009 Liability Amount should be greater than zero
RPM-LO-FLDT-010 Total Asset Amount is not equal to Individual Assets
RPM-LO-FLDT-011 Total Liability Amount is not equal to Individual Liabilities
RPM-LO-FLDT-012 Please provide a valid value for Parent Or Guardian Details
RPM-LO-FLDT-013 Please provide a valid value for Basic Details
RPM-LO-FLDT-014 Please provide a valid value for Income Details
RPM-LO-FLDT-016 Please provide a valid value for Expense Details
RPM-LO-FLDT-018 Please provide a valid value for Income Type
RPM-LO-FLDT-019 Please provide a valid value for Total Income Amount
RPM-LO-FLDT-020 Please provide a valid value for Expense Type
RPM-LO-FLDT-021 Please provide a valid value for Total Expense Amount
RPM-LO-FLDT-022 Please provide a valid value for Asset Type
RPM-LO-FLDT-023 Total Liability Amount is not equal to Individual Liabilities
RPM-LO-FLDT-024 Please provide a valid value for Income Details
RPM-LO-FLDT-026 No Product preference mapped to business product $1
RPM-LO-FLDT-027 No Data in charge slab
RPM-LO-FLDT-028 Overall percentage should be equal to 100%
RPM-LO-FLDT-029 Total Liability Amount is not equal to Individual Liabilities
RPM-LO-FLDT-030 Total Income Amount is not equal to Individual Incomes
RPM-LO-FLDT-031 Please provide a valid value for Income Details
RPM-LO-FLDT-036 Error in parsing date
RPM-LO-PODT-023 Approved OD Limit amount not equal to the sum of the respective OD Limit Amount requested
RPM-MNDT-001 Overall percentage should be equal to 100%
RPM-MNDT-002 Total Liability Amount is not equal to Individual Liabilities
RPM-MNDT-003 No Product preference mapped to business product $1
RPM-MNDT-004 Overall percentage should be equal to 100%
RPM-MNDT-005 Total Liability Amount is not equal to Individual Liabilities
RPM-MNDT-006 Total Income Amount is not equal to Individual Incomes
RPM-MNDT-007 No OD Limit details found for this process Ref no
RPM-MNDT-008 Error in parsing date
RPM-PD-001 Please provide a valid value for Income Details
RPM-PD-002 No Data in charge slab
RPM-PD-003 Total Liability Amount is not equal to Individual Liabilities
RPM-PD-004 No OD Limit details found for this process Ref no
RPM-PD-005 Please provide a valid value for Income Details
RPM-PD-006 No Product preference mapped to business product $1
RPM-PD-007 Overall percentage should be equal to 100%
RPM-PD-008 Please provide a valid value for Income Details
RPM-PD-009 No OD Limit details found for this process Ref no
RPM-PD-010 Charge Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-PD-011 Overall percentage should be equal to 100%
RPM-PD-012 Total Income Amount is not equal to Individual Incomes
RPM-PD-013 Total Liability Amount is not equal to Individual Liabilities
RPM-PD-014 Charge Details not found for this Process Reference number
RPM-PD-015 No OD Limit details found for this process Ref no
RPM-PD-016 Please provide a valid value for Total Expense Amount
RPM-PD-017 No OD Limit details found for this process Ref no
RPM-PD-018 Please provide a valid value for Income Details
RPM-PD-019 Error in parsing date
RPM-PD-020 No resolved values received from Host
RPM-PD-021 No OD Limit details found for this process Ref no
RPM-PD-022 One or more applicants Handoff status is not completed
RPM-PD-023 No Data in charge slab
RPM-PD-024 businessProductCode cannot be null
RPM-PD-025 Please provide a valid value for Income Details
RPM-PD-026 Total Liability Amount is not equal to Individual Liabilities
RPM-PD-027 Overall percentage should be equal to 100%
RPM-PD-028 No OD Limit details found for this process Ref no
RPM-PD-029 No OD Limit details found for this process Ref no
RPM-PD-030 Error in parsing date
RPM-PD-031 businessProductCode cannot be null
RPM-PD-032 Total Income Amount is not equal to Individual Incomes
RPM-PD-033 Please provide a valid value for Income Details
RPM-PD-034 Total Liability Amount is not equal to Individual Liabilities
RPM-PD-035 No Data in charge slab
RPM-PD-036 Error occured while getting the cart details
RPM-PR-001 Please provide a valid value for USer-Recommendation/Action
RPM-SA-AVL-001 Failed to Initialize
RPM-SA-INIT-01 Transaction status is not completed
RPM-SAV-001 Total Liability Amount is not equal to Individual Liabilities
RPM-SAV-ACC-001 No OD Limit details found for this process Ref no
RPM-SAV-ACC-002 The system recommended decision in invalid
RPM-SAV-AUD-001 Advance Against Uncollected Funds Details are not captured
RPM-SAV-BP-001 businessProductCode cannot be null
RPM-SAV-BP-002 No Currency mapped to this business product
RPM-SAV-BP-003 No Product preference mapped to business product $1
RPM-SAV-BP-004 No Product preference component DTO found for business product $1
RPM-SAV-BP-005 No Configuration found for given Business Product Code
RPM-SAV-CMN-001 No Account details found for this process Ref no
RPM-SAV-CMN-002 Product Details is empty
RPM-SAV-CMN-003 UDE is not found for this component
RPM-SAV-CMN-004 The flags are null from business product
RPM-SAV-CMN-005 No resolved values received from Host
RPM-SAV-CMN-006 Hand off host status or KYC status are invalid
RPM-SAV-CMN-007 handoff failed with customer module
RPM-SAV-CMN-008 CasaComponent list is empty
RPM-SAV-CMN-009 Casa UdeList is empty
RPM-SAV-CMN-010 No Interest in CasaComponent List
RPM-SAV-CMN-011 No Charge in CasaComponent List
RPM-SAV-CMN-012 No Data in charge slab
RPM-SAV-CMN-013 One or more applicants KYC status is not completed
RPM-SAV-CMN-014 One or more applicants Handoff status is not completed
RPM-SAV-CMN-015 Branch Code $1 is invalid
RPM-SAV-CMN-016 Please provide a valid value for Process Reference Number
RPM-SAV-CMN-017 Please provide a valid value for Application Number
RPM-SAV-CMN-018 Please provide a valid value for Stage Code
RPM-SAV-CMN-019 Date of birth can not be future date
RPM-SAV-CMN-020 Please provide valid value for date of birth
RPM-SAV-CMN-021 Invalid Date Format. Expected yyyy-MM-dd
RPM-SAV-CMN-022 Code can not be null or empty while calling maintenance
RPM-SAV-CMN-023 Key can not be null or empty while calling maintenance
RPM-SAV-CMN-024 Json Parse Exception
RPM-SAV-COM-001 Process ref no can not be null
RPM-SAV-INI-001 MiscGlCreditData cannot be null
RPM-SAV-INI-002 Error while fetching status from Teller module
RPM-SAV-INI-003 Error while fetching MiscGlCreditData from Teller module
RPM-SAV-INI-004 Teller transaction status is incomplete
RPM-SAV-INI-005 Please provide a valid value for transaction reference number.
RPM-SAV-INI-006 Please provide a valid value for transaction status.
RPM-SAV-NOM-001 Overall percentage should be equal to 100%
RPM-SAV-NOM-002 Guardian details is required for $1
RPM-SAV-NOM-003 Nominee Details are not captured
RPM-SAV-NOM-004 Please provide valid value for isMinor
RPM-SAV-NOM-005 Age of nominee is more than configured minor age, Can not set isMinor flag as Y
RPM-SAV-NOM-006 Age of nominee is less than configured minor age, Can not set is Minor flag as N
RPM-SAV-NOM-007 Please provide valid value of first name
RPM-SAV-NOM-008 Please provide valid value of last name
RPM-SAV-NOM-009 Please provide valid value of title
RPM-SAV-NOM-010 Please provide valid value of relation type
RPM-SAV-NOM-011 Address can not be null
RPM-SAV-NOM-012 Please provide valid value for country
RPM-SAV-NOM-013 Please provide valid value for Pin code
RPM-SAV-NOM-014 Please provide valid value for Address Line 1
RPM-SAV-NOM-015 A Minor can not be a guardian
RPM-SAV-ODL-001 Temporary OD Limit information is not allowed for this product
RPM-SAV-ODL-002 Uncollected fund information is not allowed for this product
RPM-SAV-ODL-003 Unsecured OD Limit information is not allowed for this product
RPM-SAV-ODL-004 Please provide valid value for Limit Type
RPM-SAV-PRF-001 Card is not allowed for this business product
RPM-SAV-PRF-002 Cheque Book is not allowed for this product
RPM-SAV-PRF-003 Passbook is not allowed for this product
RPM-SAV-PRF-004 Internet banking is not allowed for this business product
RPM-SAV-PRF-005 Mobile Banking is not allowed for this business product
RPM-SAV-PRF-006 Kiosk is not allowed for this business product
RPM-SAV-PRF-007 Phone banking is not allowed for this business product
RPM-SAV-TOD-001 Temporary OD Limit Details are not captured
RPM-TO-001 Mandatory Checklist(s) - $1
RPM-TO-020 Mandatory Document(s) - $1
RPM-SAV-ACC-001 No Branch mapped to this business product.
RPM-SAV-ACC-002 Please provide a valid value for Cheque Number
RPM-SAV-ACC-003 Please provide a valid value for Cheque Date
RPM-SAV-ACC-004 Please provide a valid value for Cheque Routing Number
RPM-SAV-ACC-005 Please provide a valid value for General Ledger code.
RPM-SAV-ACC-008 Missing Configuration :: CASA_FundBy_OtherBankCheque
RPM-SAV-ACC-009 Incorrect Configuration :: CASA_FundBy_Cash
RPM-SAV-ACC-010 Missing Configuration :: CASA_FundBy_Cash
RPM-SAV-ACC-011 Incorrect Configuration :: CASA_FundBy_Account
RPM-SAV-ACC-012 Missing Configuration :: CASA_FundBy_Account
RPM-SAV-ACC-013 Incorrect Configuration :: CASA_FundBy_OtherBankCheque