7 Kafka Topics

In this section you are going to setup the Oracle Banking Origination kafka topics.

Oracle Banking Origination Kafka Topics

Below mentioned are the Kafka topics that are used in Oracle Banking Origination. All the below topics are to be created and verified in the Kafka Server by using the command.

<Kafka Bin Folder>/kafka-topics.sh --create --bootstrap-server <Broker ip/hostname>:<Broker Port> --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic <topic name>

Table 7-1 Kafka Topics

Serial Number Topic Name Description Usage
1 rpmDashboard This event is used for populating projection data for rendering the dashboard. Updating all the attributes related to a process
2 InitialFundingAck This event is triggered when TD and savings initial funding option is selected as CASH,

Oracle Banking Origination triggers a teller transaction

Status change of the same transaction will be updated to Oracle Banking Origination asynchronously.
Status change occurrence for an Oracle Banking Origination initiated transaction in Teller
3 PartyKYCStatusUpdate This event is triggered related to when a customer onboarding request is sent to the party module.

Party has its own workflow

Whenever the KYC verification is completed from party module, notification will be sent to Oracle Banking Origination.
KYC status update for the Customer
4 PartyHandoffNotification This event is triggered related to when a customer onboarding request is sent to the party module.

Party has its own workflow.

A confirmation message will send from Oracle Banking Origination to the party module to notify that party module can proceed with creation of customer in their product processor.
Customer accepts the offer
5 PartyHandoffToHostStatus After creating the customer in the product processor party module will send a message containing the created customer id to Oracle Banking Origination. Customer is created in product processor
6 processTimePredictionMessage All services updates the required Machine Learning data into ML service table which will further be used for predicting the time required to complete the process. Machine Learning Table Update
7 collateralHandoff When the customer is created and notification is passed on to OBO, OBO will trigger a notification to OBCFPM based on which OBCFPM will actually create the liability Notification to OBCFPM to initiate Liability Creation
8 ofloAcknowledgement Once the OBBRN call is made for teller txn, OBBRN will notify OBO back when the transaction is complete via this topic Notification from OBBRN to update Txn Ref No & Status
9 HandoffGenerated OBO publish the channel event to send the customer ID to CFPM. So that user can go ahead for charge creation. Notification from OBO to CFPM for charge creation.
10 collateralGenericEvent CFPM publish the channel event once the handoff success from CFPM end. This will update liability ID in OBO. Notification from CFPM to OBO to update liability ID created by CFPM in OBO.