2.7.1 Create Insurance

This topic describes the systematic instruction to create insurance details.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Supply Chain Finance. Under Supply Chain Finance, click Maintenance.
  2. Under Maintenance, click Insurance. Under Insurance, click Create Insurance.
    The Create Insurance screen displays.
  3. Specify the fields on Create Insurance screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-30 Create Insurance - Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Insurance Co Name Specify the name of the insurance company.
    Short Name Specify the short name of the insurance company, if any.
    Address Line 1 Specify the contact address of the insurance company.
    Address Line 2 Continue specifying the contact address of the insurance company, if required.
    Address Line 3 Continue specifying the contact address of the insurance company, if required.
    Zip Code Specify the valid postal code belonging to the mentioned address.
    Country Specify the country of the mentioned address.
    Email Id Specify the communication e-mail address.
    Contact Number Specify the contact number of the insurance company.
    Fax Specify the fax number of the insurance company.
    Contact Person Specify the contact person’s name from the insurance company.
    Contact Person Number Specify the phone number of the mentioned contact person.
    Contact Person Email Specify the e-mail address of the contact person.
    Policy Currency Select the currency in which the insurance is subscribed.
    Insurer Limit Specify the maximum insurance amount limit to be given to the insurer.
    Insurer Allocated Amount Displays the insurance amount already allocated to the insurer out of the Insurer limit.
    Insurer Available Amount Displays the available limit that can be claimed.
    Insurance Policy Details This section displays the following fields to specify the insurance policy details for creating an insurance record.
    Insurance Policy Number Specify the insurance policy number.
    Policy Effective Date Specify the policy start date as mentioned on the policy certificate.
    Policy Expiry Date Specify the policy end date as mentioned on the policy certificate.
    Policy Amount Specify the total insured amount mentioned in the policy.
    Policy Claimed Amount Specify the amount already claimed from the total policy amount, if any.
    Policy Allocated Amount Displays the amount allocated to the specific policy.
    Policy Available Amount Displays the available amount in the specific policy post the claims made.
  4. Click Add/Edit to add the details to the grid.
  5. Click Reset to reset the rows in the grid.
  6. Perform the following steps to take action on the records in the grid:
    1. Click Edit to modify the details.
    2. Click Delete to remove the record.
  7. Click Save to save the record and send it for authorization.