Create Internal Account Mapping

This topic describes the systematic instruction to map internal accounts (Customer accounts and Bank GL accounts) with specific accounting roles.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Supply Chain Finance. Under Supply Chain Finance, click Maintenance.
  2. Under Maintenance, click Accounting. Under Accounting, click Internal Account Mapping.
  3. Under Internal Account Mapping, click Create Internal Account Mapping.
    The Create Internal Account Mapping screen displays.

    Figure 2-27 Create Internal Account Mapping

  4. Specify the fields on Create Internal Account Mapping screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-19 Create Internal Account Mapping - Field Description

    Field Description
    Branch Select the branch in which account is maintained.

    Select the product for which internal account mapping is to be maintained.

    The user can select ALL if the account is to be used for all the products.

    Role Click the search icon to select the accounting role to map the account to.
    Account Type Switch the toggle button to select either CASA or GL for the mapping.
    Settlement Method Select the settlement method corresponding to the account type.
    Account in Transaction Currency Switch this toggle ON specify whether the accounting should be done in transaction currency or not.
    Filter Criteria

    Select the appropriate filter criteria for specific application of accounting entries.

    The available options are:
    • Event, Program, and Party Based
    • Program and Party Based
    • Party and Division Code Based
    • Event and Party Based
    • Program Based
    • Party Based
    • Event Based
    • Charge Code Based
    • Default

    Click the search icon and select the program to map the account with.

    This field is displayed only if Filter Criteria selected as Program.


    Click the search icon and select the party to whose account is to be mapped.

    This field is displayed only if Filter Criteria selected as Party.

    Division Code

    Click the search icon and select the applicable division code.

    This field is displayed only if Filter Criteria selected as Division Code.

    Event Select an event for account mapping.

    This field is displayed only if Filter Criteria selected as Event.

    Charge Code

    Select the charge code to map the account with.

    This field is displayed only if Filter Criteria selected as Charge Code.

    Account Currency Select the currency of the account to be mapped.
    Account Number Click the Search icon and select real/virtual account number.
    Default Account Switch this toggle ON to specify if this account should be considered as the default one.
  5. Click Add/ Edit to add the details to the grid.
    1. Click Options icon in the Action column to edit or delete the row.
  6. Click Reset to clear the selected values, if required.
  7. Click Save to save the data and send it for authorization.