7.1 EOD Batch

Table 7-1 EOD Batch

Sr. No. Job Name Description
1 Mark Cut Off This job marks the successful completion of EOD and beginning of the new day.
2 Pre-EOD If there are any finance transactions pending to be processed, this job will not be completed. For example: Finance request waiting for approval or with exception. This job is the first one to get executed as part of EOD batch job.
3 Outstanding Transaction This job does accrual processing, and fetches the updated interest amount.
4 Modify Contract This job processes repricing for tenor-based spread.
5 Limits Structure Refresh This job is triggered for synchronizing the limits data with external system.
6 Invoice Limit Approval Marking This job is triggered to approve limits associated with the invoices. This job is only triggered when assignment is applicable for products.
7 Stale Invoice This job marks the Invoices as stale based on the configured settings for each product.
8 Stale PO This job marks the PO's as stale based on the configured settings for each product.
9 Invoice Acceptance This job changes invoice status as accepted based on the configurations set in the system.
10 Overdue Invoices This job updates the invoices as overdue.
11 Invoice Charges This job calculates the charges for invoices. Invoices are grouped into different bunches and all the applicable charges are applied for a particular bunch. Once the charges are applied, those are calculated immediately if they are online charges. In case of periodic charges, charges are calculated if the charge calculation date matches with the business date on which EOD is run. Accounting entries are posted once charges are calculated.
12 PO Charges This job calculates charges for the purchase orders. Purchase orders are grouped into different bunches and all the applicable charges are applied for a particular bunch. Once the charges are applied, those are calculated immediately if they are online charges. In case of periodic charges, charges are calculated if the charge calculation date matches with the business date on which EOD is run. Accounting entries posted once charges are calculated.
13 Charges Batch Processing This job calculates & collect periodic charges. All the charges for all the transactions present in the system are calculated and account entries are posted if the charge calculation date matches with the business date on which EOD is run.
14 NPA This job evaluates status of the loans and marks the delinquency status of the customer along with identification of Non-Performing Asset (NPA)/Inactive customers.
15 External NPA This job consolidates the customer delinquency status which is sent from external system with the delinquency status arrived in the previous event. If external system integration is not applicable for NPA, this job is not executed.
16 Product Expired This job closes the product as per expiry date configured in the system.
17 Program Expired This job closes the program as per expiry date configured in the system.
18 Limit Structure Expired This job closes the limits structure as per expiry date configured in the system.
19 Alerts This job identifies all the alerts that are to be sent in EOD, generates, and sends them.
20 Mark EOFI This job is used to identify the end of SCF EOD and initiates the common core events.
21 Forget Core Accounts This is a common core event which marks forget flag for the customer accounts as per expiry date.
22 Forget Core Customers This is a common core event which marks forget flag for the customer as per expiry date.
23 Change Date Job This job flips the business date to the next working date.
24 Release Cut Off This job designates the end of common core EOD.
25 Mark TI This job prepares for the next day transactions.
26 FCI Message Job This job finds out the eligible FCI messages which have not been sent and creates an FCI message for them and sends them via a configurable workflow.


Refer the Branch EOD section in Oracle Banking Common Core User Guide to configure, invoke, and view the EOD batch jobs.


Events marked with * are executed always.


Before executing any EOD batch, it is recommended to take a backup of the database.


During the execution of EOD batch jobs, there is a possibility of occurrence of technical or functional errors. These errors are captured and displayed on the UI itself, enabling the user to rectify them.