6.6 Structure Limits Txn Inquiry

This topic describes the systematic instruction to search for party limits with respect to a specific transaction based on various criteria such as Reference Basis, Limit Entity Type, Limit Type, Limit Event, External Line Id, Date Range, and so on.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Supply Chain Finance. Under Supply Chain Finance, click Inquiry.
  2. Under Inquiry, click Structure Limits Txn Inquiry.
    The Structure Limits Txn Inquiry screen displays.

    Figure 6-11 Structure Limits Txn Inquiry

  3. Specify the fields on Structure Limits Txn Inquiry screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 6-6 Structure Limits Txn Inquiry - Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Reference Basis

    Select the type of reference basis.

    The available options are:
    • Finance Transaction Ref No
    • Invoice No
    • Invoice Transaction Ref No

    An entry field appears to specify the corresponding reference number to search for.

    Limit Entity Type

    Select the entity type whose limits are to be searched.

    The available options are:
    • Buyer
    • Import Factor
    • Insurance Party
    • Pool
    • Product
    • Program
    • Supplier

    An entry field appears to specify the corresponding entity to search for.

    Limit Type

    Select the limit type of the transaction.

    The available options are:
    • Advance Payment
    • Assignment
    • Committed
    • Concentrate
    • Credit Cover
    • Finance
    • Invoice
    • Main
    • Non-Recourse
    • Recourse
    • Uncommitted
    Limit Event

    Select the event for which the limit is applicable.

    The available options are:
    • Booking
    • Release
    Transaction Event

    Select the event of the transaction.

    The available options are:
    • Assignment
    • Auto Debit
    • De Reconcile
    • Disbursement
    • Disbursement Reversal
    • Paid
    • Dispute
    • Re-Assignment
    • Dispute Resolution
    • Settlement
    • Settlement Reversal
    • Write Off Dispute
    Date Range Click the Calendar icon and select the start date and end date of the date range.
    External Line Id Click the search icon to select the line ID from the external system, if applicable.
    Currency Select the transaction currency.
  4. Click Search to view the search results.
    The Structure Limits Txn Inquiry - Search Results screen displays.

    Figure 6-12 Structure Limits Txn Inquiry - Search Results

  5. Click on the hyperlink data in the Transaction Reference Number column to view more details of the record.