3 Common Events

This topic describes about the common events on below table.

Events Description
ACCR Accrual of Interest is done in this event.
MACR Memo accrual of Interest is done in this event.
ADIS This is the event which fires when a bills contract with discrepancies is unlocked and the discrepancies are resolved.
AMND Amendment of a bills contract. This event is fired when there is a change to the bills contract other than changing the stage, or discrepancies etc which fire other specific events. This is basically for things like a change in the documents or some description or parties etc.
BOOK This event is fired whenever a bill other than a collection is stored in the initial stage.
INIT This is the event fired whenever a bill is saved in the final stage or when a bill is moved from the initial stage to the final stage after unlock.
CLOS This is fired whenever a bills contract is closed that is a contract not liquidated but just closed.
REGN This event is for collections when a collection is registered.
REVR Reversal of a Bills contract fires this event.
STCH This event is fired when the status of an overdue bill is changed.
LADV Liquidation of a bill changed from acceptance to advance.
BDIS Change of operation from acceptance to discount.
LDIS Liquidation of a bill changed from acceptance to discount.
LIQD Liquidation of a bill which has had no change in operation that is liquidation of a bill which hasn’t been changed from acceptance to advance and so on.
BADV Change of operation from acceptance to advance.
AFAT This is when an advice of acceptance fate is generated.
PFAT This is when an advice of payment fate is generated.
PRNA This is when you protest the non acceptance of a bill by the other party.
BPUR Change of a contract from collection to purchase.
LPUR Liquidation of contract changed from collection to purchase.
BACP DRAWEE too is supposed to accept it. When the DRAWEE accepts the bill then put the acceptance date on the exceptions screen after unlock and save it and this event is fired.
PRNP This is when you protest the non payment of a bill by the other party.
REFA This is when the other party refuses to accept the bill.
REFP This is when the other party refuses to pay the bill.
TACP This is when the tracer for an acceptance is generated.
TAFT This is when the payment fate tracer for an acceptance is generated.
TDIS This is the approval of discrepancies tracer.
TPAY This is the principal fate follow up tracer.
TPFT This is the principal fate tracer.
TRES This is the release of reserve tracer.
RRES This is the release from reserve.
REVE This event is to reverse the previous version creating event.