1.4 Integration Processing

Linked Reference number or account number will fetch the active, authorized deposit or CASA account.
  • Counterparty of the deposit or CASA account should be same as trade contract.
  • Maturity/Expiry date of trade contract should be within the maturity date of deposit contract.
  • Available balance of deposit/CASA account should be greater than Zero.
Along with this user manual, you may also refer the following related resource for detailed CASA/CD linkage flow
  • Bills and Collections User Guide – Section ‘Linkage Details’.
  • Islamic Bills and Collections User Guide – Section ‘Linkage Details’.
  • Letters of Credit User Guide – Section ‘Linkage Details’.
  • Islamic Letters of Credit User Guide – Section ‘Linkage Details’.

OBTF uses existing service FCUBSCustomerService.CloseAmtBlk to post release amount block request and will be synchronous call.