UI Error Messages

Table 6-2 UI Error Messages

Error Code Error Condition Type Message Text User Action
LC-GUA-027 On giving Automatic Extension details for Conditional Without Expiry date Error Automatic Extension is not applicable for Open Ended/Conditional Without Expiry Guarantees/SBLCs Automatic Extension details should not be provided for Conditional – Without Expiry
LC-GUA-045 On giving Auto Closure for Conditional Without Expiry date Error Auto Closure not supported for Open ended/Conditional Without Expiry Guarantees/Standby LCs Auto Closure should not be provided for Conditional – Without Expiry
LC-GUA-134 On giving Automatic Extension details for Conditional Without Expiry date in Local Undertaking Error Automatic Extension is not applicable for Open Ended/Conditional Without Expiry Local Undertaking Automatic Extension details should not be provided for Conditional – Without Expiry in Local Undertaking
LC-GUA-181 For an Open ended/Conditional Without Expiry type guarantee, if FFT SND2RECMT760 is not attached to GUARANTEE advice Override FFT $1 is not attached in $2 advice. Expiry date details will not be populated in message. Attach FFT SND2RECMT760 for 72Z to be populated with expiry date details in MT760