3.2.6 Specifying External System Queue Details

The ‘External System Queues’ list contains the ‘In Queue’ and ‘Response Queue’ lists. To add a record to the ‘External System Queues’ list click add icon. To delete a record from the list, select the record using its check box and then click delete icon.

Table 3-5 External System Queue Details - Field Description

Field Description
In Queue Specify the name of the queue from which the messages were received. The name of the queue will help identify the external system.


This is required only if an incoming message does not display the source of the message. An In Queue is mapped to only one External System.
You can map multiple queues to a source. System will allow a source to post messages to multiple queues.
Response Queue You can define Response Queue for every In Queue. This is required only when the External System fails to display the queue name on posting a request message into the In Queue.