
This is the operation code for reversing the LC contract in Oracle Banking Trade Finance. It involves the following messages:

  • ReverseContract-Req-Full- This is the request message to reverse LC contract in Oracle Banking Trade Finance. An external system which intends to reverse LC contract has to send the request in the format specified. The format of the message is called 'Full-screen', which includes all the fields (input fields and the display fields) as in the corresponding Oracle Banking Trade Finance front-end screen.
  • ReverseContract-Req-IO- This is the request message to reverse LC contract in Oracle Banking Trade Finance. An external system which intends to reverse LC contract has to send the request in the specified format. The format of the message is called 'Input-only', which has only those fields that are actually required for reversing LC contract.
  • ReverseContract-Res-Full- This is the response message which is sent back to the external system when a LC contract is successfully reversed in Oracle Banking Trade Finance. The format of the message is called 'Full-screen response', which includes all the fields (input fields and the display fields) as in the corresponding Oracle Banking Trade Finance screen.
  • ReverseContract-Res-PK- This is the response message which is sent back to the external system when a LC contract is successfully reversed in Oracle Banking Trade Finance. The format of the message is called 'Primary-Key response', which includes only the primary key fields to reverse LC contract in the Oracle Banking Trade Finance data store.