1.2.2 Prerequisites in Oracle Banking Payments

The prerequisites in Oracle Banking Payments for this integration are as follows
  • You Maintain the Source code with which OBTF will hand off payment requests at PMDSORCE- Source maintenance screen.

Figure 1-5 Source Maintenance Detailed
Description of pmdsorce_cvs_main.png follows
Description of the illustration pmdsorce_cvs_main.png

Following are the source codes OBTF uses to initiate payment request:
  • For all OBTF modules where outgoing payment or receive notice is initiated, the source code is OBTF <Module-ID>. For example, the source code for the BC module is OBTFBC.
  • Each record maintained in Source Maintenance Detailed screen (PMDSORCE) should have the below preferences:
    • Pre-funded Payments GL or Intermediary Credit GL should match Inter System Bridge GL maintained in Trade Finance External System Maintenance screen (IFDTFEPM) of OBTF.


    This Inter System Bridge GL should be available for both OBTF & OBPM.
    • Maintain the OBTF Source-specific preferences for each network at PMDSORNW screen. Maintain for both “Transaction Type” “Incoming” and “Outgoing”.

Figure 1-6 Source Network Preference Detailed

The preference for various payment networks via which OBTF will initiate a payment request needs to be maintained on this screen for the same Source codes as in the previous Section.
  • OBPM should maintain appropriate Network Rule maintenance (PMDNWRLE) to route the OBTF request to the respective network. Based on the Payment type, OBTF system will send one of the values (LCL or SWIFT) in Service Level Proprietary field, which further will be used to build the network rules,
    • LCL - Local clearing payments
    • SWIFT Messages - SWIFT Payment messages

    Figure 1-7 Network Rule Detailed

  • The OBTF Source specific notification preferences for each network at PMDEXTNT screen.

    Figure 1-8 External Notification Queue Detailed

    The notification is a call from OBPM to the OBTF Webservice - OBTFEPSService that needs to be deployed. The gateway external system setup is required to be done for source code mentioned in the above screen shot. It is important to give the Notification System class as OBTF and communication mode as Web Service.