3 Common Events

Events Description
ACCR Accrual This event is fired whenever a periodic commission is linked to an LC and it has to be accrued
AMND Amendment This is the event fired whenever an LC is amended without any change in operation i.e. amendment from Preadvice to advice is not AMND but a change in the LC amount for the AMND event
AVAL Availing an LC This is fired whenever an LC is availed i.e. the LC amount is actually paid.
CALC Calculation of Commission This event too is fired when the calculation of the periodic commission takes place. It is a purely internal event.
CANC Cancellation This is when an already issued or advices LC is cancelled.
CLIQ Commission Liquidation This is the event when a periodic commission is liquidated
CLOS Closure of an LC This is the event when the LC is finally closed after it has run its lifetime.
RAVL Reversal of an Availment
REVR Reversal of the Contract.
ROPN Reopening of an LC after closure.
REAS Reassign it means the reassignment of a contract from one user to another.
REIN Reinstate This means the reinstatement of an LC to its original amount. It is similar to Rollover.
TRGN Tracer generation Tracers are generated for Import LCs and when this is done this event is fired.
REVE This event is to reverse the previous version creating event