2.2.5 Detailed Coverage (Description of the Product)

Product Code EUNA
Description Outgoing Documentary Usance Bills not under LC On Acceptance
BC Type Export
Tenor Code Usance
Under LC NO
Document Documentary
Operation Acceptance
Product Code EUNM
Description Outgoing Documentary Multi Tenor Bills not under LC on Acceptance
BC Type Export
Tenor Code Multi tenor
Under LC NO
Document Documentary
Operation Acceptance
Product Code EUNA
Product Preferences  
Auto Liquidate BC Contracts Yes
Auto Status Change Yes
Auto Change from Acceptance to Advance No
Accrual Freq Daily
Interest Comp to be Collected in Advance
Allow Prepayment of Interest No
Default Rate Type BILLS
Accep Commission Pref No
Advance By Loan No
Loan Product No
Link to Loan(Export Bills) No
Product Code EUNM
Product Preferences  
Auto Liquidate BC Contracts Yes
Auto Status Change Yes
Auto Change from Acceptance to Advance No
Accrual Freq Daily
Interest Comp to be Collected in Advance
Allow Prepayment of Interest No
Default Rate Type STANDARD
Accep Commission Pref No
Advance By Loan No
Loan Product No
Link to Loan(Export Bills) No
Product Code EAUC
Description Outgoing Clean Usance Bills not under LC On Acceptance
BC Type Export
Tenor Code Usance
Under LC NO
Document Clean
Operation Acceptance
Product Code EAUC
Auto Liquidate BC Contracts Yes
Auto Status Change Yes
Auto Change from Acceptance to Advance No
Accrual Freq Daily
Interest Comp to be Collected in Advance
Allow Prepayment of Interest No
Default Rate Type STANDARD
Accep Commission Pref No
Advance By Loan No
Loan Product No
Link to Loan (Export Bills) No