C Annexure - Reports

Reports Availability

BC Automatic Processing Exceptions Report

Bills & Collections Daily Activity Journal

Bills & Collections Contract Overrides Report

List of Maturing Bills

BC List of Overdue Items- Acceptances

BC List of Overdue Items - Payments

List of Bills Eligible for Re-Discounting

List of Bills under Protest

List of Bills under Reserve

This report lists the BC contracts for which the automatic process have failed due to exceptions. The Report is sorted by the product code and BC reference number. The Event which has failed in EOD and reason for failure will be available in the Report.

This report lists all the activities done in the Bills and collections module for the given day. The Report is sorted by the BC contract reference number. The List of activities will include the following:
  • Booking a BC Contract
  • Initiation of a BC Contract
  • Approval of Document Discrepancies
  • Acceptance of a Bill
  • Protest of Non Acceptance/Non Payment of Draft
  • Refusal of Bill/Draft Acceptance/Payment
  • Amendment of BC Contract
  • Acknowledgement Received
  • Accrual
  • Closure of a BC Contract
  • Liquidation of a BC Contract
  • Reduction of Bill Amount
  • Discounting accepted Bill
  • Forfeiting of Discounted Bill
  • Reimbursement Claim N days before Maturity
  • Reversal of BC contracts
  • Change of Operations

This report lists the warnings that have been overridden to save a BC contract. The Report is sorted by BC contract reference number.

This report lists the BC contracts that will mature on the given date (entered while generating the report). The Report is sorted by BC contract reference number. The report lists details including Bill amount, maturity date, type of bill etc.

This report lists the BC contracts which are overdue. The report lists contracts with operation as Acceptance which are supposed to be liquidated, but are still in Active status. The Report is sorted by BC contract reference number.

This report lists the BC contracts which are overdue. The report lists contracts with operation as Payment which are supposed to be liquidated, but are still in Active status. The Report is sorted by BC contract reference number.

This report lists the BC contracts which are available for Re-discounting. The Report is sorted by BC contract reference number.

This report lists the BC contracts which are in protest status. The report lists contracts which are in protest for either non-acceptance or non-payment. The Report is sorted by BC contract reference number.

This report lists the BC contracts which are in Reserve status. The Report is sorted by BC contract reference number.