3.1 Inbound Application Integration

Oracle Banking Trade Finance Inbound Application Gateway provides XML based interfaces thus enhancing the need to communicate and integrate with the external systems. The data exchanged between Oracle Banking Trade Finance and the external systems will be in the form of XML messages. These XML messages are defined in Oracle Banking Trade Finance in the form of XML Schema Documents (XSD) and are referred to as ‘FCUBS formats’.

OBTF Inbound Application Integration Gateway uses the Synchronous and Asynchronous Deployment Pattern for addressing the integration needs.

The Synchronous Deployment Pattern is classified into the following:
  • Oracle Banking Trade Finance EJB Based Synchronous Inbound Application Integration Deployment Pattern
  • Oracle Banking Trade Finance Web Services Based Synchronous Inbound Application Integration Deployment Pattern
  • Oracle Banking Trade Finance MDB Based Asynchronous Inbound Application Integration Deployment Patten