Application Root Objects Conversion for Existing Objects

Various Sharing types of objects during installation:
  • A static table will hold the information of selected table sharing as Data link. Other tables will be treated as Meta Data Link
  • Sharing of object types such as INDEX, LOB, TABLE PARTITION, SEQUENCE, and DYNAMIC PACKAGES will remain as NONE.
  • All other object types such as Packages, Procedures, Functions, and Synonyms would be converted as Meta Data Link sharing.
Sharing during upgrade:
Sharing of existing database objects will remain the same.
Below script takes care of converting the modified MDL objects when there is a re-creation [objects with Create or Replace command during creation] happens during patch-set.
Application Root Objects Conversion

Input sample for the script:

Spool Path << Any local path>>
Application next version
When there are new tables introduced as part of patch-set which has to be converted into DL will be done separately. The recommendation for the same will be provided as part of patch-set instructions for this case.