2.1.1 Software Requirements

  1. Oracle Access Manager – OAM (
    • Access Server
    • Webtier Utilities
    • Web Gate
    • Http Server
  2. LDAP Directory Server

    Please make sure that the LDAP which is been used for ORACLE BANKING TRADE FINANCE Single Signon deployment is certified to work with OAM.

    List of few LDAP Directory servers supported as per OAM document (note – this is an indicative list. The conclusive list can be obtained from the Oracle Access Manager documentation):
    • Oracle Internet Directory
    • Active Directory
    • ADAM
    • ADSI
    • Data Anywhere (Oracle Virtual Directory)
    • IBM Directory Server
    • NDS
    • Sun Directory Server
  3. Web Logic

    For the purpose of achieving single sign on for OBTF in FMW 12c, it is necessary for the weblogic instance to have an explicit Oracle HTTP server (OHS).