3.3 Configuring SSO in OAM Console

After installing OAM, Webtier Utilities and Webgate, extend the weblogic domain to create OAM server.

Follow the post installation scripts deployWebGate and EditHttpConf as provided in https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17904_01/install.1111/e12002/webgate004.htm#INOIM75770
  1. Identity Store Creation

    To create new User Identity Store, Login to OAM Console and navigate to System Configuration>>Common configuration>>Data Sources>> User Identity Store.

  2. Input below information in the User Identity Store.

    Choose Store Type as Oracle Internet Directory.


    LDAP server Host name and Port Number in <HOSTNAME>:PORT format

    Bind DN:

    User name to connect the LDAP Server


    Password to connect the LDAP Server

    User Name Attribute

    The attribute created in LDAP, which will be the User Name for the other application (here it will be treated as the OBTF Username)

    User Search Base:

    The container of the User Name in the LDAP server.

    Group Search Base:

    The container of the Group Name in the LDAP server.Description of picture2.png follows
    Description of the illustration picture2.png

  3. After input of the above information click on ‘Apply’ button. On successful creation, click test connection button to verify whether the LDAP connection is working fine.Description of picture3.png follows
    Description of the illustration picture3.png
  4. Creating Authentication Module

    Navigate to System Configuration >> Access Manager Settings >> Authentication Modules >> LDAP Authentication Module.

    Click ‘New’ Button to create new Authentication Module. Input the Name of the authentication module and choose the User Identity Store we created in step 1.Description of picture4.png follows
    Description of the illustration picture4.png

  5. Creating OAM 12c Webgate

    Navigate to System Configuration>>Access Manager Settings>>SSo Agents>>OAM Agents.

    Click on ‘Create 12c webgate’ button

    or Click on New OAM 12c Webgate link available in welcome page.Description of picture5.png follows
    Description of the illustration picture5.png

    Enter any name for Webgate and Base URL (The host and port of the computer on which the Web server for the Webgate is installed) and click on apply.Description of picture6.png follows
    Description of the illustration picture6.png

    Once the OAM 12c Webgate created, add filterOAMAuthnCookie=false parameter along with default parameters in User Defined Parameters.

    Click ‘Apply’ button to save the changes.Description of picture7.png follows
    Description of the illustration picture7.png

  6. Post OAM Webgate 12c Creation Steps
    Perform the following steps to copy the artifacts to the Webgate installation directory
    • On the Oracle Access Manager Console host, locate the updated OAM Agent ObAccessClient.xml configuration file (and any certificate artifacts). For example:
    • On the OAM Agent host, copy artifacts (to the following Webgate directory path). For example:


    (for instance WebTier_Middleware_Home/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance1/config/


  7. Creating Authentication Scheme

    To create Authentication Scheme navigate to Policy Configuration >> Authentication Schemes

    Click on ‘Create’ button to create new Authentication Scheme.

    Name : Any name to identify Authentication Scheme

    Challenge Method : BASIC

    Challenge Redirect URL : /oam/server

    Authentication Module : Choose the authentication module created in step 2.Description of picture8.png follows
    Description of the illustration picture8.png

    If it is a basic authentication scheme, we need to add the 'enforce-valid-basic-auth-credentials' tag to the config.xml file located under /user_projects/domains/<MyDomain>/config/. The tag must be inserted within the <security-configuration> tag as follows: [Just before the end of security configuration tag]



  8. Creating Authentication Scheme

    To create authentication policy, navigate to Policy Configuration >> Application Domains >> [Webgate agent name] >> Authentication Policies.

    Click new button and input the below information

    Name: Enter any name to identify the Authentication Policy (eg. OBTFWebPolicy)

    Authentication Scheme: Choose the authentication scheme created in step 5.


    Add the resources which are all need to be protected. If <WebgateName>:/…/ and <WebgateName>:/ are added in the resources then all the sources are protected.Description of picture9.png follows
    Description of the illustration picture9.png

    Add DN in the Responses section. Enter the value as $user.attr.dn. The responses maintained in the tab will be added in the response header during the authentication.Description of picture10.png follows
    Description of the illustration picture10.png

  9. Adding Resources
    Navigate to Policy Configuration >>Application Domains >>OBTFWebgate >>Resources .
    • Click on Create New Resource button.
    • Select the type as HTTP.
    • Select the Host Identifier as OBTFWebgate
    • Enter the resource URL as /FCJNeoWeb
    • Select the protection level as Protected
    • Click on apply button to update the resource added.Description of picture11.png follows
      Description of the illustration picture11.png
  10. Adding Authorization Policy

    Check whether the resources available in the authentication policies are available in Authorization Policy. During web gate creation these values are defaulted.Description of picture12.png follows
    Description of the illustration picture12.png

    Add DN in the Responses section. Enter the value as $user.attr.dn. The responses maintained in the tab will be added in the response header during the authorization.Description of picture13.png follows
    Description of the illustration picture13.png

  11. Configuring mod_wl_ohs for Oracle Weblogic server Clusters

    To enable the Oracle HTTP Server instances to route to applications deployed on the Oracle Weblogic Server Clusters, add the directive shown below to the mod_wl_ohs.sh file available in <Weblogic Home> /Oracle_WT1/instances/instance1/config/OHS/ohs1.

    <Location /console>

    SetHandler weblogic-handler

    WebLogicHost idmhost1.mycompany.com

    WeblogicPort 7001


  12. Checking the Webgate 12c Agent Creation

    After configuration of webgate 12c agent launch the URL

    http://<hostname>:<ohs_Port>/ohs/modules/webgate.cgi?progid=1 to verify whether the webgate configuration is fine. If the URL launches a screen as below then the webgate configuration is working fine.Description of picture14.png follows
    Description of the illustration picture14.png

  13. Using OAM Test Tool (This step is not mandatory)

    There is a test tool provided in OAM software which helps us to check the response parameter values. The test tool is available in <OAM Install Dir>\ oam\server\tester.

    For eg. D:\weblogic\Middleware\Oracle_IDM1\oam\server\tester

    Use java -jar oamtest.jar to launch the OAM test tool.Description of picture15.png follows
    Description of the illustration picture15.png