2.6 Choice of the SSL cipher suite

Oracle WebLogic Server allows for SSL clients to initiate a SSL connection with a null cipher suite. The null cipher suite does not employ any bulk encryption algorithm thus resulting in transmission of all data in clear text, over the wire.

The default configuration of Oracle WebLogic Server is to disable the null cipher suite. Ensure that the usage of the null cipher suite is disabled, preventing any client from negotiating an insecure SSL connection.

Furthermore, for installations having regulatory requirements requiring the use of only ‘high’ cipher suites, Oracle WebLogic Server can be configured to support only certain cipher suites. The restriction can be done in config.xml of the WebLogic domain. Provided below is an example config.xml restricting the cipher suites to those supporting 256-bit symmetric keys or higher, and using RSA for key exchange.







  • configuration of WebLogic Server to support the above defined cipher suites might also require an additional command line argument to be passed to WebLogic Server, so that a FIPS 140-2 compliant crypto module is utilized. This is done by adding - Dweblogic.security.SSL.nojce=true as a JVM argument.
  • The restriction on cipher suites needs to be performed for every managed server.
  • The order of cipher suites is important – Oracle WebLogic Server chooses the first available cipher suite in the list, that is also supported by the client.
  • Cipher suites with RC4 are enabled despite it being second best to AES. This is primarily for older clients that do not support AES (for instance, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 on Windows XP).

Configuring Oracle Banking Trade Finance

This section explains the various configurations required for securing the various components of Oracle Banking Trade Finance.