3.2 Third Party Libraries

This topic provides details of the libraries that use the following third party software.

Apache 2.0

The following libraries include software developed by The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).

Table 3-1 Apache 2.0

Copyright Holder Licensed Technology Version
SmartBear Software Swagger 1.6.5
Apache Commons Codec 1.15-744c1c9
Apache Commons IO 2.11.0
Apache POI 5.2.0
Apache Commons Net 3.7.2
Apache Commons Collections 4.4-83acfd3
Apache Commons-logging 1.2-1e55e8f
Apache Ant 1.10.12
Apache Log4J 2.17.1
Apache Commons Lang 3.12.0
Apache sshd-sftp 2.8.0
FasterXML, LLC jackson-annotations 2.13.2
FasterXML, LLC jackson-core 2.13.2
FasterXML, LLC jackson-databind 2.13.2
Sean Owen Ziplet (PJL Compressing Filter) 2.4.1
Terracota Quartz 2.3.2-ff348f6

MIT- License

Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) 1.7.36


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