9.2 Product Code - TB01

TB01 – Zero Coupon Bonds - (Treasury Bills)

Business Scenario

Zero Coupon Bonds are issued by corporates, Banks, Municipal or Government authorities in order to raise the funds. These funds don’t carry a fixed rate coupon payment instead it is issued at discount and redeemed at face value.


A zero-coupon bond (also called a discount bond or deep discount bond) is a bond issued at a price lower than its face value, with the face value repaid at the time of maturity. It does not make periodic interest payments, or have so-called coupons, hence the term zero-coupon bond. Investors earn a return from the compounded interest all paid at maturity plus the difference between the bonds’ discounted price and its par (or redemption) value. The following are the important features of the bond:

Face value: A bond's face value or denomination, which is stated on the bond's front. This is usually a round figure.

Redemption date: The date on which the loan is repaid is called the redemption date or the maturity date.

Redemption value: A bond's redemption value or maturity value is the amount that the issuer promises to pay on the redemption date. In most cases, the redemption value is the same as the face value: the bond is redeemed at par.

Synopsis (ex. High level features etc.)

  • Risk-averse investors looking for safety of capital and who prefer a known periodic payment structure (i.e. coupon payments) for a limited time frame would be better off investing in this type of bonds.
  • The bonds can be issued at premium, discount or at par.
  • On maturity the principal amount will be repaid to the holder

Detailed Coverage

Branch Currency

The product TB01 can be used by all branches and offered in all the currencies. The restrictions are not imposed from Head office.


The restrictions are not put by the Head office to make use of this product.

All the customers are allowed to avail this product/ service.


The product TB01 is having the following important features/properties.
  • Call or Put options
  • Redemption type
  • Redemption quotation
  • Confirmation of corporate actions
  • Issue and outstanding sizes
  • Minimum lot and trading sizes
  • Price quotation
  • Interest quotation
  • Allowing or disallowing the fractional quantity
  • Equated redemption
  • Security and payment currency
  • Issue, face value and the redemption prices
  • Issue date, interest start date, trading start date and the redemption dates
  • Interest (coupon) frequency
  • Interest (coupon) accrual and liquidation details
  • Revaluation Price code
  • Redemption details
  • Interest rate details
  • Tax details
  • MIS details
  • User defined fields(UDF)


The MIS details are not captured in this product.


There are no UDF details available for this product

Portfolio details

  • Issuer, customer and bank portfolios could be defined.
  • WAC, LIFO, FIFO, DM costing methods can have for each type of portfolio
  • Capturing Revaluation details for the portfolio
  • Capturing customer, currency or branch level restrictions
  • Capturing the discount/premium accrual details
  • Capturing the forward profit and loss accrual details
  • Defining the interest accrual details – different frequencies and types such as constant yield, exponential and straight line.
  • Defining the limit tracking details
  • Advice details

Charges / Commission & Fees

User can define Charges.

Special/Other Features

User can define tax and brokerage components for the deals.

Advices Supported

Payment/Confirmation Messages

Additional information (ex. UDF & other Special Maintenance)

In case, Bank wants to capture some other details about the deal or the parties involved, the same could be customized by way of using UDF option available at various screens.

  • Branch Parameter
  • Messaging Parameter
  • Local Holidays
  • Security Batch Maintenance
  • Market code and price maintenance
  • Security instruments
  • SK Location Maintenance
  • Security, Deal, Portfolio and Combination Products
  • Security Product, Deal product and Portfolio product preference classes
  • Portfolio definitions
  • Tax scheme class
  • Combination products