1.2 Product Code- AFSP

AFSP- Allowed for sale portfolio

Bank portfolio features are parametrized with the following features.


  • Acquisition cost is calculated at the portfolio level
  • Premium and discount is amortized at portfolio level
  • Instrument is revalued having different revaluation method at portfolio

Detailed Coverage

ASFP portfolio covers the following features:
  • External revaluation
  • Amortization of Premium and discount
  • WAC Costing Method
  • Redemption type Quantity
  • Auto liquidation for corporate action
  • Short position allowed
  • Contra holding validation online

Events Covered

The events covered in the Product AFSP is explained in the below table:

Table 1-1 Events Covered in AFSP

Events Covered Terminology
ACRD Accrual of Sec. Discount Earned
ACRP Accrual of Sec. Premium Paid
BRVL Securities Revaluation of Positions
CANG Corporate Action Notice Generation
CBPS Con. Booking for Spot Purchases
CBSS Con. Booking for Spot Sales
CPCD Coupon Collection
CPIN Coupon Init
CPLQ Coupon Liqd
EXRR Credit Derivative External Revaluation Reversal
EXRV Credit Derivative External Revaluation
IACR Securities Coupon Premium Accrual
RRVL Securities Reversal of Revaluation
SPLP Sec. Purchase from Long Position
SPSP Sec. Purchase from Short Position
SSLP Sec. Sale from Long Position
SSSP Sec. Sale from Short Position

Special/Other Features

User can define tax and brokerage components for the deals.

Advices Supported

Payment Messages

Additional information (ex. UDF & Other Special Maintenance)

In case, Bank wants to capture some other details about the deal or the parties involved, the same could be customized by way of using UDF option available at various screens.
  • Branch Parameter
  • Messaging Parameter
  • Local Holidays
  • Security Batch Maintenance
  • Market code and price maintenance
  • SK Location Maintenance
  • Tax scheme class