8.8 Process Broker Master Maintenance

This topic describes the systematic instruction to process the Broker Master Maintenance.

You can capture details of broker accounts, which should be associated with the Broker ID through the Broker Master Maintenance screen. Only those accounts maintained in this screen will be impacted while processing margin settlement transactions involving the particular broker.

  1. On the Home page, type BRDMAST in the text box, and then click next arrow.
    The Treasury Broker Master Maintenance screen is displayed.

    Figure 8-5 Treasury Broker Master Maintenance

    Description of Figure 8-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-5 Treasury Broker Master Maintenance"
  2. On the Treasury Broker Master Maintenance screen, click New.
  3. On the Treasury Broker Master Maintenance screen, specify the field details and then click Enter Query.

    Table 8-5 Treasury Broker Master Maintenance - Field Description

    Field Description

    Broker ID

    Select the broker ID.


    Specify the name of the broker.

    Execution Broker

    Check this box to indicate that the broker created is an Execution Broker.

    Clearing Broker

    Check this box to indicate that the broker created is a Clearing Broker.


    Select the customer category under which the broker is categorized. You have the following options:

    • Broker
    • Exchange
    • Clearing Member


    Select the method in which the brokerage amount is to be liquidated. The options available are:

    • Advance
    • Arrears


    The Arrears option is not valid if you have selected the Exchange Traded Derivatives check box.

    Tax Paid

    Select the account, which is to be debited when tax is to be paid in the field Account. Also, select the transaction code associated with the account in the field Txn Code.

    Tax Payable

    Select the tax payable account in the field Account and select the transaction code associated with the Tax Payable account in the field Txn Code.

    Liquidation Transaction Code

    Select the transaction code, which is to be associated with brokerage liquidation.

    Tax Scheme

    Select the tax scheme, which is to be associated with the Broker Account and Currency combination.

    Scheme Description

    The system will display the description of the scheme.

    Payable Currency

    Select the currency in which the brokerage amount is to be booked.

    Applicable For – Exchange Traded Derivatives

    Select this check box to indicate the broker, whose details you are maintaining, can be used in the ETD module of Oracle Banking Treasury Management.

    If you check this box, the system will display an override stating the booking method will be Advance.

    Under the Broker Account table, you can specify the following.

    Applicable For – Enable Treasury Commission Setup

    Check this box to indicate that the broker commission setup should be used for brokerage calculation.

    Default Agreement

    Specify the default agreement for the broker. The adjoining option list displays the relevant agreements. You can choose the appropriate one.

    Margin Type

    Select the margin account type from the adjoining option list. The list displays the following values:

    • Initial Margin
    • Variation Margin


    Specify the account of the broker. The adjoining option list gives you a list of accounts. Choose the appropriate one. You cannot specify the same account number for another broker. Each broker should have account numbers unique to him.


    It is mandatory for you to specify at least one account number for the broker.


    Type a brief description for the account


    Specify the currency for the broker account.