CLS Net Settlement Details

This topic provides the systematic instructions to view CLS Net Settlement Details.

  1. On the Homepage, type FSDNTSET in the text box, and click the next arrow

    CLS Net Settlement Detailed screen is displayed.

    Figure 6-17 CLS Net Settlement Detailed

    Description of fsdntset__cvs_udf.png follows
    Description of the illustration fsdntset__cvs_udf.png
  2. On the CLS Net Settlement Detailed screen, specify the details as required.

    For information on fields, refer to the below table.

    Table 6-13 CLS Net Settlement Detailed - Field Description

    Field Description

    Host Code

    The system defaults to current branch host code.

    CLS Currency

    Specifies the currency amount.

    Value Date

    Specifies the value date.

    Settled Amount

    Specifies the amount settled till now for a Currency and value date combination (This includes settled amount also).

    Settlement Amount

    Specifies the Settlement Amount for a Currency and value date combination (This includes Settled amount also).

    Settlement Indicator

    Specifies the Settlement Indicator from the drop-down list. in the list of below options:

    • P - Pay - if the Amount to Settle is to be paid
    • R - Receive - if the Amount to Settle is to be received
    • <Null> - If Amount to Settle is zero

    Settlement Status

    Specifies the Settlement Status from the drop-down list in the list of below options:

    • S - Success
    • F - Failure
    • P - Pending
    • I - Intermediary settled (Records will be updated with this status only when new contracts are created for same Currency & Value Date post settlement for this combination is completed)

    Failure Reason

    Displays the reason for failure.


    Specifies the settlement amount.

    Displays the reference number for the settlement. This reference will be generated within OBTR and is used to identify Payment queue record and Message hand off record. Settlement transaction Status Displays the settlement process status.


    Indicates the pay or receive flag for settlement.

    Settlement Reference NO

    Displays the reference number for the settlement. This reference will be generated within OBTR and is used to identify Payment queue record and Message hand off record.

    Settlement transaction Status

    Displays the settlement process status.

  3. Click the Deal Details button in the CLS Net Manual Settlement Detailed screen to view the individual CLS contracts.
    The Deal Details screen is displayed.
    The Deal Details screen displays the below fields:
    • Contract Reference
    • Bought Currency
    • Bought Amount
    • Bought Value Date
    • Sold Currency
    • Sold Amount
    • Sold Value Date
    • Deal Rate
    • Settlement Reference No