5.24 ISDA Confirmation

This topic describes the details to capture the confirmation check for the FX deal events.

Using this ISDA check at deal product level, the trigger of an authorized event at contract level would trigger creation of a record in this screen with details used from the contract.

ISDA confirmations are designed to confirm the terms of a trade and will not have any processing impact for the contract.

ISDA confirmation status is marked as unconfirmed by default and would be manually updated by a user action to confirm once the ISDA confirmation is counter-signed and agreed by both the parties of the trade.

During the processing of the FX contract, a record is available for ISDA confirmation based on the event, if the product has the ISDA confirmation check applicable for that particular event.

  1. On the Home page, type FXDISDCO in the text box, and click the next arrow.

    ISDA Confirmation screen is displayed.

    Figure 5-29 ISDA Confirmation

    Description of isda_confirmation.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration isda_confirmation.jpg
  2. On the ISDA Confirmation screen, click Enter Query.
  3. Specify the details as per requirement.

    You have three options:

    • Unlock: This allows you to make changes to the record if the record is not authorized. After Unlock user you will have a option to save the changes.
    • Authorize: This option allows authorization of a record by a user different from the maker of the record. The Authorize sub screen displays same options as the Authorize screens. If a record is unconfirmed and another user is trying to authorize the record then he will get a message “Record is not confirmed”.
    • Print: This option allows the user to print the record.

    The list of the events below are applicable to ISDA confirmation in FX:

    Table 5-26 ISDA Confirmation - Events

    Events Description


    Contract Amendment


    Contract Booking


    Contract Cancellation


    NDF Fixing


    NDF Unfixing

    For information on product level events mapping, refer to the section: <xref>

    For information on fields, refer to the below table.

    Table 5-27 ISDA Confirmation - Field Description

    Field Description

    Contract reference

    This is the number assigned in the contract online screen of the respective instrument. This field as non-amendable for a record and mandatory for any query


    This displays the list of events allowed for ISDA confirmation for the product code used in the contract which is non amendable for a record and mandatory for a query.

    Event Sequence

    This displays the event seq no. as generated in contract online screen. To be useful for cases where an event is triggered more than once which is non amendable for a record and mandatory for a query.

    Event Description

    This displays the description of the non amendable event.

    ISDA Confirmation Date

    This field allows you to select the date of the event.

    ISDA confirmation Status

    This field allows you to allow the user to select:

    • Confirmed
    • Unconfirmed


    By default all the records created in this screen are unauthorized and require manual action to confirm the same.