5.19.18 Liquidate Contract Manually

An authorized contract can be liquidated manually. A contract need not necessarily be defined with manual liquidation for you to liquidate it manually. Even if the contract is defined for automatic liquidation, you can liquidate it through this option, on a day earlier than the Value Date of the contract. Invoke the Manual Contract Liquidation screen from one of the following functions:

  • Contract Summary View
  • Contract Detailed View

In the Contract Summary View screen, select Liquidate from the Processing sub-menu when the contract is highlighted; or in the Contract Detailed View, select Liquidate from the Processing sub-menu when the details of the contract are being displayed.

An override will be sought before go ahead with the liquidation under the following circumstances:

  • The contract does not have split value dates and the Value Date is a date in the future or
  • The contract has split value dates and the Value Date of the Buy leg is in the future

An override will be sought if the contract has been marked for roll-over. If you override, the contract will be liquidated and not rolled-over.

You will be prompted to confirm the liquidation. If you give the confirmation, all the related accounting entries will be passed. The list of advices that will be generated for the liquidation will be displayed in the FX Advices screen. Suppress any advice if not required to generate. The advices that are not suppressed thus will be generated when the liquidation is authorized.