7.2.1 Define Fund type Customer at Treasury Customer Additional details

A New Field Fund type is introduced in the treasury additional customer maintenance screen. Here, if the customer is a fund type then a custodian BIC and settlement member BIC are mapped against it.

An identifier to specify multiple SWIFT confirmations required with different receivers in case of Fund Type customer to be defined with below options:

  • Custodian Only
  • Settlement Member Only
  • Both Custodian and Settlement Member

The System allows mapping same custodian BIC to multiple Fund type customers and same BIC of settlement member to multiple fund type customers and generate MT300 and MT320

System to allow mapping of field 87: the institution/corporate on behalf of which the message is received.

Address1, might be a BIC code or a Party Identification with one or more valid codes placed between slashes ('/').

Mapping same BIC to Multiple Customers

  • System supports mapping same BIC to multiple customer ID.
  • System supports to generate standard SWIFT confirmation message and send it to the receiver BIC that is mapped to customer ID.
  • Example: Multiple counterparties are using services of a third party called Mysis for confirmation matching. Then same BIC code of Mysis (MISYGB2L) is mapped to these counterparties

Requirement overview for generating outgoing messages in PDF format

It is required to have a provision to send out outgoing swift messages and mail advices in PDF format. For a customer, upon successful generation of a confirmation message, system should check if there is need to send this confirmation copy in a PDF format through email if so will generate PDF confirmations.if in case confirmation copy in PDF is unchecked for the message type then no PDF confirmation to be sent out through email. Mapping of message type to the option of generate pdf condition needs to be maintained. It is required to capture the e-mail address where the PDF document needs to be sent. The PDF message is generated and populated into Outgoing Message Browser. If there is an error in the email server and message, sending process has failed then an appropriate error message is shown in message browser for that message.

  • Message browser shows if the PDF message is Required, Not Required, Generated or in repair:
  • Required- In case of outgoing messages generated successfully and are awaiting to be picked up by scheduler then PDF Delivery status is updated as required.
  • Not Required- When ‘Email as PDF’ is not opted at the customer address maintenance, then PDF Delivery status is updated as ‘Not Required’ or NULL
  • Generated- When mail is sent to the customer successfully, PDF Delivery status is updated as ‘Generated’.
  • Repair – When there is an error in sending mail to customer, PDF Delivery status is updated as Repair.
  • There is provision to resend the PDF message in case of repair, hence email address maintained to be displayed in the detailed and summary outgoing message Browser. The PDF opening through Secured password is supported.