1.7 Retrieve FX deal Information

This topic describes the information retrieving process relating to foreign exchange deals in form of reports.

During the day, or at the end of the day, you can retrieve the information relating to foreign exchange deals in the form of reports.

A report is a piece of information retrieved mostly in a printed format. However, you can direct the report to one of the following destinations:

  • Printer
  • Screen (as a display)
  • Spool file (stored as a spool file to be printed later)

The spooled reports are printed, or viewed, through the Reports Browser screen. The following are the reports generated in foreign exchange module.

  • FX Tenor-wise Currency Position Report
  • FX Currency Analysis Report
  • Unconfirmed FX Contracts Report
  • FX Contract Daily Activity Report
  • FX Contract Overrides Report
  • FX Brokerage details Report
  • FX Daily Exception Report - Automatic Processing
  • FX Discounting Rate Report
  • Netting Agreement
  • Broker Confirmation Journal
  • Contract Maturity Due Report
  • Process Exception Report