5.10 View Event Details

This topic provides the instructions to view the event details.

  1. On the Foreign Exchange Contract Input screen, Click Events.

    Events screen is displayed.

    Figure 5-9 Events

    Description of Figure 5-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-9 Events"


    Along with the details of events that have already taken place on the contract, the details of pending events will also be displayed.

  2. On the Foreign Exchange Contract Input screen, click Messages to view the messages linked to each event.

    The Messages screen is displayed.

  3. On the Foreign Exchange contract Input screen, Click Accounting Entries to view the accounting entries for the event.

    The Accounting entries screen is displayed:


    The following details will be provided for each entry:
    • Booking Date
    • Account
    • Value Date
    • Currency
    • Amount
    • Dr/Cr indicator
    • Transaction Code