5.1 Confirm Schedule Details

This topic describes the procedure to confirm the schedule details.

You can provide details in the Islamic Confirmation screen and confirm the provided details. The schedule details pertaining to the contract are automatically populated in the Islamic Confirmation screen upon authorization of the contract button.

  1. On the Homepage, type IDDTRCNF in the text box, and click next arrow.

    The Islamic Confirmation screen is displayed.

    Figure 5-1 Islamic Confirmation

    Islamic Confirmation

    For more information on the fields, refer the following table:

    Table 5-1 Islamic Confirmation- Field Description

    Field Description

    Schedule Date

    The date on which a particular component due.

    This field is optional.


    All the components for which the rate type is fixed are displayed. The various principal and profit components for which the confirmation is being processed. The components displayed depend on the rate type associated with them. In the case of a floating rate type, only those components that have undergone a rate revision is displayed.

    This field is optional.


    The amount due towards each schedule. If you have opted for netting at the contract level, the amount displayed is netted provided the components due for settlement are in the same currency and have the same schedule date. The components are always netted against the main component specified for the In Leg of the contract. The netted amount will be displayed against the main component.

    This field is optional.


    The amount due towards each schedule is settled in the currency displayed here.

    This field is optional.


    Indicates whether the components are payables or receivables. The value displayed may be:

    • O (Outgoing/Payable)
    • I (Incoming/Receivable)

    This field is optional.

    You are allowed to enter the following details in the screen. You need to unlock the record before proceeding to enter these details.

    For each schedule you can indicate the media (MAIL, SWIFT, etc) through which the confirmation was received. You can select the appropriate media from the option list provided. You are also allowed to enter a media type that is not available in the option list.

    You can specify the name of the receiver (for instance the name of the Derivatives back-office user in your bank) who received the confirmation. No validation is done for this field.

    If required, you can enter additional information for each schedule in the Remarks column. The system does not validate the contents of this field.