Upload DV Contracts

Oracle Banking Treasury provides the facility of holiday treatment for principal schedules, interest and interest revision schedules of a DV online contract based on Multiple-currency and Multiple-financial centers if the following conditions are satisfied.

  • The derivative type for the product allows combined holiday treatment.
  • To specify the details of currencies or financial centers for combined holiday treatment for uploaded DV contracts in the table shown below:

Table 6-1 DV Contracts table

Column Name Data Type Length Description




Branch Code




Source Code of the external system




Unique Reference Number of the contract being uploaded




INLEG_PRN => Principal of the in leg OUTLEG_PRN => Principal of theout leg DV_IN_INT => => Interest of the inleg DV_OUT_INT => Interest of the outleg




Currency code or Clearing house




C => Currency

F => Financial Centre

If the value of CCY_OR_FINCENTER is C, then the value provided in CCY_FIN_CENTER must be an authorized and open currency

If the value of CCY_OR_FINCENTER is F, then the value provided in CCY_FIN_CENTER must be an authorized and open clearing house.

Provide details of the list of currencies or financial centers from the above table if the type of the derivative for the uploaded product supports combined holiday treatment and the holiday treatment for a specific component and schedule type is set as currency or financial center.

When holiday treatment is set as combined but schedule holiday treatment has been set as ignore or Local at the specific component level then the data provided in the combined holiday treatment table is not considered by Uploaded schedules.

In case of synchronous schedules for principal or interest supported by the derivative type, the OUT leg holiday preference will default from the IN leg and the already provided OUT leg will be ignored. While in case of synchronous revision for IN or OUT legs for interest revision supported by derivative type, IN/ OUT revision holiday preference defaults from IN/ OUT interest holiday preference.

In case of asynchronous schedules if you have to specify the holiday treatment in the existing upload tables as Currency/ Financial center for IN and OUT legs and the holiday treatment in type maintenance is defined as combined, then you must provide for combined holiday treatment details for IN and OUT leg separately else an error is displayed. If the holiday treatment has been specified as Ignore/ Local for the component in the existing table, then the new upload table for combined holiday treatment is ignored for that component and schedule type.