8.7 Accrual of ICCF Components

This topic describes the definition of accruals for the accruable ICCF components

When you are defining the interest, commission, charge or fee components (ICCF components) for an MM product, you should also specify whether accruals have to be done for the accruable ICCF components. You can specify this through the Product ICCF Details screen.

If accruals should be done, the frequency of accrual should also be specified for the product (through the Product Preferences screen), at the time of product definition.

For all deals for which accruals fall due today, the Automatic Contract Update function will pass the accrual entries. Accrual of interest, commission, charge or fee is done during the end of day processing of the Automatic Contract Update function.

In some cases, for example, if a manual liquidation is done, the accrual entries is passed immediately by the system. If this falls on a holiday, the accruals is done as per your holiday handling specifications for automatic processes, in the Branch Parameters screen.

  • If you specified that processing has to be done today (the last working day before the holiday) for automatic events right up to the day before the next working day, the events falling on the holiday will be processed during end of day on the last working day before the holiday.
  • If you have specified that processing has to be done only up to the System Date (today), then only the events scheduled for today (the last working day before the holiday) will be processed. The events of the holiday will be processed on the next working day after the holiday, during beginning of day processing.

The accrual and income accounts will be picked up based on your definition in the Chart of Accounts. An Accrual Control Journal is generated by the Automatic Contract Update function, reporting the details of the accruals performed.

For a placement on which there is a default in payment, you can specify that aging analysis should be done. This analysis involves the change of status of a deal. When the status is changed, you can also specify that the accruals on the deal should be stopped. For such deals, the accrual entries will not be passed; they will only be calculated and reported in the Accrual Control Journal under ‘Memo Accruals’.