7.5 Advices for a Rolled Over Deal

This topic describes the advices for a rolled over deal.

In the Product Events Definition screen, you define the events for which advices are to be generated, for deals involving a product. Any advice is generated when a deal is rolled over if so specified for the product the deal involves. Generation of advices upon rollover, if specified, is as follows:

  • When the deal is rolled over with interest (that is, the entire outstanding amount in the original deal is rolled over without any component of the original deal being liquidated) the liquidation advice for the original deal will not be generated. Instead, rollover advice, with the details of the liquidation of the original deal and its subsequent rollover into a new deal, is generated.
  • When the deal is rolled with an amount that is not the entire outstanding amount in the original deal, the liquidation advice(s) for the original deal is generated along with the rollover advice