3.9 Holiday Preferences

This topic provides the instructions to capture the holiday preferences details.

The Financial center holidays are validated during contract input for MM transactions. Users should modify the dates appropriately during contract input.

The Financial center holidays are validated during contract input for transactions received through interface. Appropriate validation message(s) is returned to the interface.

  1. On the Money Market Contract Input screen, click Holiday Preference.

    Holiday Preferences screen is displayed.

    Figure 3-14 Holiday Preferences

    Description of Figure 3-14 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-14 Holiday Preferences"
  2. On the Holiday Preferences screen, Specify the details as required.

    See the below table for field descriptions:

    Table 3-9 Field Description

    Field Description

    Contract Reference Number

    The Contract Reference number form the main screen is displayed.

    Contract Reference

    The Contract Reference number from the main screen is displayed here.

    Version Number

    Version of the contract number is displayed in case of contract amendments/events.

    Contract Level

    Local Holiday

    Select this check box, if the local holiday validation of dates and schedule movement is required, which is defaulted from product and amendable.

    Currency Holiday

    Select this check box, if the currency holiday calendar validation of dates and schedule movement is required, which is defaulted from product and amendable.

    Financial Center

    Select this check box, if the financial center holiday calendar validation of dates and schedule movement is required, which is defaulted from product and amendable.


    Specify the currency details for which the holiday validation for dates and schedules movement is required, which is defaulted from product and amendable.

  3. On the Holiday Preferences screen, click Event Date
    Holiday Preferences with Event Date Preference tab details is displayed.

    Figure 3-15 Holiday Preferences- Event Date Preference

    Description of Figure 3-15 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-15 Holiday Preferences- Event Date Preference"
  4. On the Event Date Preference tab, specify the details as required.

    The following are the field descriptions:

    Table 3-10 Field Description

    Field Description

    Event Description

    This field provides the list of dates for appropriate events in the life cycle.

    Local Holiday

    Select this check box if the local holiday validation of the dates and schedule movement has to be executed.

    Currency Holiday

    Select this check box, to execute the currency holiday calendar validation of the dates and movement of schedules.

    Financial Center

    Select this check box, to execute the financial center holiday calendar validation of the dates and movement of schedules.


    Based on the requirement you can choose more than one holiday check at the same time.