3.4 Dual Authorization

This topic describes the systematic instruction about dual authorization.

After creation or modification of maintenance records belonging to a function, for which Dual authorization has been enabled, an intermediate verifier (First Authorizer) has to verify the record before the record can be actually authorized. Only after the first authorization, system allows you to actually authorize the record. The first level authorization is done using the Summary Verify screen.
Specify User ID and Password and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, type CSSVERFY in the text box and click next.
  2. On Summary screen, specify the fields.
    In the Summary screen, you can query the modifications pending for verification (First Authorization) and do the first level authorization for selected modifications. Based on the search criteria entered system queries and displays all the records that meet the search criteria. The following details are displayed:
    • Function Id
    • Key Definition
    • Maker
    • Key ID
    • First Authorization Status
    • Latest Authorized Mod Number
    • Branch
  3. If you double click on a particular record you can view the details of all the modifications pending for verification for that record in a separate screen (CSDVERFY).

    All the modifications pending will be shown and you can select a modification and verify all the modifications till the selected modification number.

    For examples if there are 3 modifications (Modification numbers 2, 3 and 4) pending for verification and if you select Modification number 3, system marks modification numbers 2 and 3 as ‘Verified’. Similarly if you select Modification number 4, modification number 2,3 and 4 will be marked as ‘Verified’.

  4. On Verify screen, specify the fields.
    For more information on fields, refer to field description table.

    Table 3-1 Verify - Field Description

    Field Description
    Key ID Specify the key identification based on which the record can be queried. Alternatively, you can select the key Id from the option list. This list displays the following values:
    • Branch - To query the record based on input branch
    • Maker ID – To query the record based on maker ID
    • Function ID – To query the record based on function ID through which the record was submitted. For example, STDCIF, STDCUSAC
    • Key ID – To query the record based on unique key ID


    You can search for a specific record using any of the above combination. To authorize a record, you should select the record and click the Accept button.
    Branch The system displays the branch for the selected record.
    Records The following details pertaining to the records are displayed:
    • Modification Number
    • Modification Status
    • Maker
    • Maker Date Stamp
    • Authorization Status
    • View Changes
    Maker Remarks The remarks entered by the maker of the record are displayed here.
    First Checker Remarks Specify remarks if any as part of first level authorization.
    Maker Override Remarks The Override remarks entered by the maker of the record are displayed here.
    Warnings The system displays the error or warning codes for which dual authorization is enabled.
    Warning Code The warning code is displayed here.
    Warning Description The warning message or override messages logged for the record is displayed here.
    Field Name The field name is displayed here.
    Old Value The old value of the field is displayed here.
    New Value The new value of the field is displayed here.

    For every record you can click View Changes button which will launch the function id screen and highlights the changes.

  5. Click the Exit button to close the screen.